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Artikel-artikel mengenai Libraries

Menampilkan 101 - 120 dari 130 artikel

The National Library of Australia safeguards one of Australia’s most important living archives. Paul Hagon

Treasure Trove: why defunding Trove leaves Australia poorer

Australia has one of the world’s best reference libraries, available freely to anyone with an internet connection. Severe funding cuts will cripple Trove’s capacity – and that should worry everyone.
Banned Books Week highlights books that have been challenged or permanently removed from library shelves. 'Shelves' via

How do libraries get away with banning books?

While legal precedent makes banning books difficult, it still happens.
Since 1982, over 11,000 books have been challenged by individuals seeking to have them banned from schools or libraries. 'Book' via

I’m a librarian who banned a book. Here’s why.

When only six people showed up for a panel designed to raise awareness of banned books, the pot needed to be stirred a bit.
Yes, libraries have a place and function - but academics and researchers can get along just fine without them. REUTERS/Ralph Orlowski

How good librarians have made themselves obsolete to some users

Libraries are warm, dry and safe spaces with free Internet, which many people need. But academics and researchers in the 21st century can get along very well without them.
A woman visits the Scientific Institute in Cairo, Egypt. The role of libraries is changing but they are as relevant and important as ever. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany

African libraries that adapt can take the continent’s knowledge to the world

African libraries have more of an opportunity than ever before to bring the continent’s knowledge to the world. They just need to adapt their traditional roles and functions.
Lower-income students benefit the most from libraries. Yet, budget cuts are leading to a decline in their numbers. Pesky Librarians

The calamity of the disappearing school libraries

The number of libraries is dropping drastically across almost all states. Will a revised No Child Left Behind law make a difference?
Academic publishers are attempting to build a walled garden around their content, blocking it off from public eyes. the.Firebottle/Flickr

Publisher pushback puts open access in peril

A new policy by publisher Elsevier is threatening to wind back the gains made by the open access movement.
The State Library of Victoria has received the greatest single bequest of rare books in its history. Teagan Glenane

Emmerson’s bequest offers the best of the best for book scholars

The State Library of Victoria has received the greatest single bequest of rare books in its history, coupled with an endowment for the collection’s preservation. No wonder book scholars are smiling.
An image of Australian shearers taken on glass plate negative is now preserved in a digital collection. Powerhouse Museum Collection/Flickr

Historic collections could be lost to ‘digital dinosaurs’

Australian’s museums, galleries and other cultural institutions must adopt more of a digital strategy with their collections if they are to remain relevant with audiences. Only about a quarter of the collections…

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