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Artikel-artikel mengenai Memory

Menampilkan 161 - 180 dari 338 artikel

The #MeToo movement and more recent allegations against Brett Kavanaugh have posed questions about past conduct. AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File

How should we judge people for their past moral failings?

Whether the sins of our past stay with us forever has become a pertinent question of our time. A philosopher argues we don’t need to carry our past burdens – although there are some moral conditions.
The experience “this happened to me” is stronger than “this happened” in memory formation. epicharmus/flickr

What do your earliest childhood memories say about you?

We sometimes see memory as a video camera, recording our lives accurately and without bias – but this is a myth. Instead, our childhood memories are intricately shaped by our family and culture.
Many board games strengthen the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of the brains of players. This results in improved cognitive functions such as IQ, memory, information retention and problem-solving. (Shutterstock)

Play games with your kids this summer to boost their brains

From dyslexia, to dementia to schizophrenia, there is evidence that playing games can help, while boosting family connections and emotional wellbeing.

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