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Artikel-artikel mengenai Patents

Menampilkan 21 - 40 dari 112 artikel

The US has agreed to ‘free the vaccine’, but will it work? Allison Bailey / Alamy Stock Photo

US-backed vaccine patent waiver: pros and cons explained

It’s not clear whether the TRIPS agreement is what’s getting in the way of vaccine supply, and waiving intellectual property rights may stifle future innovation.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, speaks with scientist Krishnaraj Tiwari at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) Royalmount Human Health Therapeutics Research Centre facility in Montreal, Aug 31, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

How Canada can become a global leader in health innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

To continue the fast-paced collaborative research and innovation we have seen during the pandemic, here are five ways universities can support health research that responds to societal needs.
Production limits mean that not everyone can get access to a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it’s developed.. GIPhotoStock/Cultura via Getty Images

Video: Who should get a COVID-19 vaccine first?

A bioethicist explains a recent report that recommends how to distribute a COVID-19 vaccine equitably.

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