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Artikel-artikel mengenai Populism

Menampilkan 281 - 300 dari 331 artikel

Banking inquiries in their current form serve as political theatre, rather than as a genuine form of accountability. Lukas Coch/AAP

Banking inquiry findings – ask the wrong questions get the wrong answers

Members of House Standing Committee on Economics should be asking the directors of Australia’s Big Four banks (not the CEOs) different questions, if they really want the right answers.
A portrait of US President-elect Donald Trump guards a residential backyard in Iowa, complete with lights and security cameras. Tony Webster/flickr

Trump, the unspeakable and democracy in America

The better-to-do and the established of civil and political society have become complacent and deaf to ‘those at the bottom’. The working class has gone over to the right-wing populists.
Donald Trump in New Mexico. Carlo Allegri/Reuters

Populism and democracy: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

Donald Trump is the latest example of populism’s return to the global political landscape. Nine scholars from seven countries examine the link between populism and democracy.
Donald Trump is often described as a populist leader. Reuters/Carlo Allegri

We the People: the charms and contradictions of populism

In this special The Conversation project, scholars and commentators from around the world examine the rise of populism, and its implications, now and into the future.
Donald Trump’s campaign has been built upon controversial statements that have kept his name in the news. Reuters/Mike Segar

Why has Trump succeeded where others would have failed?

The narrative Donald Trump has played during the campaign is that the elites who have abandoned him or disagree with him are all part of the establishment he seeks to destroy.

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