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Artikel-artikel mengenai Privacy rights

Menampilkan 41 - 48 dari 48 artikel

Samsung’s new Smart TV’s could be listening to every word you say. Flickr/SamsungTomorrow

It’s not just your TV listening in to your conversation

Be careful what you say in front of your new television, following reports that Samsung’s new Smart TVs are now being programmed to listen to every word you say and send it over the internet to a third…
The European Court of Justice has given data retention the thumbs down … but it’s still on the table Down Under. B Rosen/Flickr

Europe says no to data retention, so why is it an option in Australia?

There has been plenty of technology-related legal activity in the European Union this month. Last week the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) ruled that data retention regulations, as they currently stand…
Just hold still while I check your back story. NameTag

The app that checks whether your date is a sex offender

An app on offer in the US says it can determine whether the person you are dating has anything to hide, using facial recognition to see if they are on the sex offenders register. This should make us question…
Tesco is no longer content with just knowing what’s in your basket. SFB579

Why too much privacy is bad for the economy

Tesco, a British grocer with global status, has this week teamed up with Alan Sugar’s Amscreen to take personalised advertising to the next level. By means of Amscreen’s proprietary facial recognition…
What does your email metadata reveal about you? Image from

Your social networks and the secret story of metadata

Researchers at MIT’s Media Lab have created an application called Immersion, which uses your email to display all of the people you communicate with in a highly visual way. Although it was designed primarily…
With social media site details routinely used in missing persons investigations, experts are asking: where is the line drawn on privacy needs? Shutterstock

Missing and found: understanding the privacy needs of missing people

Media stories about missing people are as intriguing as they are common. As a community, we form our own opinions of the person who is absent by the details that the media shares with the public. But often…

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