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Artikel-artikel mengenai Solar panels

Menampilkan 61 - 80 dari 101 artikel

Solar PV outstripped coal as the leading source of new electricity generation worldwide last year. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Solar is now the most popular form of new electricity generation worldwide

Solar PV and wind energy have overtaken coal as the leading sources of new electricity generation worldwide, with falling prices and new storage technologies making clean energy ever more attainable.
Western Australia’s largest private solar array covers the roof of this food distribution centre in Perth’s south. AAP Image/Bidvest

Five things the east coast can learn from WA about energy

Despite its name, the National Electricity Market doesn’t reach WA. But those charged with guiding the eastern states’ energy transition should look west once in a while.
This array in Indiana is one of a growing number of “community solar gardens” in the US. Robford15/Wikimedia Commons

Why we need an ‘energy Landcare’ to tackle rising power prices

Without help, lower-income people could miss out on the clean energy revolution – hence the arrival of community projects aiming to boost access to solar panels, batteries and other green technology.
Thinking of going solar? Prices are approaching the cost of grid electricity, but only in some places – so far. joncallas/flickr

When will rooftop solar be cheaper than the grid? Here’s a map

When will residential solar be cheaper than the cost of power from the grid? This point of ‘grid parity’ is a moving target but moving closer in a number of places.

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