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Artikel-artikel mengenai Ukraine invasion 2022

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The Day of Memory for Truth and Justice is held every year in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires commemorating the victims of the military dictatorship, March 24 1976 to December 10 1983. Esteban Osorio/Alamy

Finding Ukraine’s stolen children and bringing perpetrators to justice: lessons from Argentina

Hundreds of children were stolen from their parents during the dictatorship in Argentina, but over the years some have been reunited with their families.
An unmanned U.S. Predator drone flies over Kandahar Air Field, southern Afghanistan, on a moon-lit night several years ago. Drone strikes are now a major feature of modern warfare, including in Ukraine and Syria. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

How Russian and Iranian drone strikes further dehumanize warfare

As Russia’s war in Ukraine illustrates, the use of lethal automated weapons, or LAWS, can always be justified. Their ability to desensitize their users from the act of killing, however, shouldn’t be.
Russian rhetoric about Ukraine echoes language used in the second world war by the Soviets seeking to stem independence movements. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin insisted on Ukraine getting a separate vote to the USSR at the United Nations, even though it wasn’t an independent state. Pictorial Press Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo

Ukraine: reporter’s notes from WWII shows how Russia used claims of fascism to stem independence

Putin’s rhetoric over Ukraine has roots in the end of the second world war, attitudes explained by Paul Winterton, a British journalist at the time.

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