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Artikel-artikel mengenai US foreign policy

Menampilkan 181 - 200 dari 406 artikel

Donald Trump’s justification for decertifying the Iran nuclear deal stems from his view that Iran is violating the deal’s spirit. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

Why Trump’s decertification of the Iran nuclear deal may prove a costly mistake

Aside from vague threats of violence and suggestions he could ‘renegotiate’ the Iran nuclear agreement, Donald Trump has provided little in the way of coherent or viable policy options.
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in support of Sen. Luther Strange, in Huntsville, Ala., on Sept. 22. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson, File)

How foreign policy experts can work around Donald Trump

Precisely because of his problems at home, Donald Trump wants to do more abroad – possibly with disastrous results. How can those who know foreign policy rein him in?
The US Embassy in Havana is now more crime scene than diplomatic center as both countries look into the mysterious illnesses suffered by Foreign Service officers there. AP Photo/Desmond Boylan

Is Trump using ‘health attacks’ on US diplomats in Havana as an excuse to punish Cuba?

After a baffling, silent attack on US Embassy staff in Havana, the Trump administration is using concern over its diplomats’ health as an excuse to reverse Obama’s rapprochement with Cuba.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is applauded at a performance in Pyongyang. KRT via AP Video

Disarming North Korea means making concessions

A former Department of Defense and State Department official explains why a hardline approach on North Korea will likely fail, as it did with Iran.
Images of Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un are shown on a news program in Seoul, South Korea on Thursday, Aug. 10, 2017. AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon

Why didn’t sanctions stop North Korea’s missile program?

The international community has been trying to stop North Korea from developing long-range missiles for decades. So how did North Korea get them?

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