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Artikel-artikel mengenai US foreign policy

Menampilkan 241 - 260 dari 406 artikel

Rwandan President Paul Kagame attending a 2016 climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco. Mohamed Messara/EPA

How the relationship between Rwanda and Trump’s America could change

A Trump presidency brings into question America’s traditional approach to Africa, especially Rwanda. But a true shift in US foreign policy in Africa is not a priority for the Trump administration.
A protestor burns a figure representing Trump outside the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City. AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

US relationship with Mexico more bitter than sweet under Trump

Since World War II, the US and Mexico have successfully worked together on issues like trade and migration. If Trump refuses to treat Mexico as a partner, how bitter will the breakup be?
Australia must think differently about its relationship with the US under Donald Trump. Reuters/Carlos Barria

The tag is cut: how will the Trump-Turnbull spat damage the alliance?

Australian and American leaders over the years have, from time to time, disagreed or said things to cause embarrassment. But, for the most part, such disagreements have been kept out of the limelight.
Interventionism, not isolationism, is the norm in US foreign policy – and Donald Trump’s rise will not change that. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

America has never been truly isolationist, and Trump isn’t either

The US has never been opposed to international engagement, or even international co-operation – but it must always be co-operation on American terms.
A Trump administration raises many questions about how America’s relationships with other world powers will play out. Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

Loose-cannon Trump enters the tinderbox of US-Russia-China relations

Far from ‘making America great again’, Donald Trump’s sloganeering will deepen mistrust of US motives and irreparably damage any prospect of co-existence, let alone a more co-operative world order.

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