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Artikel-artikel mengenai US House of Representatives

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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler shakes hands with Aalayah Eastmond, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, during a hearing on guns violence at Capitol Hill on Feb. 6, 2019. AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

How a ‘missing’ movement made gun control a winning issue

Gun control bills passed recently by the House of Representatives may never become law, but they are still a sign of important change.
A new bill to provide affordable child care for working families faces an uphill battle in Congress. Rawpixel from

Why Congress needs to make child care more affordable – 5 questions answered

Working class families have struggled for years to afford quality child care. Could the newly proposed Child Care for Working Families Act make a difference? A child care policy scholar weighs in.
GOP President Ronald Reagan and Democratic House Speaker Tip O'Neill at the April, 1983 signing of bipartisan social security legislation. AP/Barry Thumma

Congress used to pass bipartisan legislation – will it ever again?

Most Congresses since the 1970s have passed more than 500 laws, ranging from nuclear disarmament to deficit reduction. Will today’s bitter partisanship hamstring the new Congress’ productivity?
Money in politics? Somebody’s got to pay for those signs. AP/John Raoux

Money in elections doesn’t mean what you think it does

Is money the root of all evil in politics? It’s easy to see a correlation between winning and fundraising – money flows to likely winners and competitive races. But correlation is not causation.
Demonstrators with cut-outs of congressional districts in front of the Supreme Court. Reuters/Joshua Roberts

4 reasons gerrymandering is getting worse

One of the main reasons polarization in the US is on the rise – the way congressional seats are drawn to favor parties – isn’t going away anytime soon.
Trump with the men who would replace him – Vice President Mike Pence on the left and House Speaker Paul Ryan on the left. Win McNamee/AP Pool

Why Trump hasn’t been impeached – and likely won’t be

The president won’t be removed from office until Republicans in the House decide to support the idea – or the midterms hand the Democrats more seats.
Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, has fought a battle with conservatives in his party for the speakership. Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

What does the speaker of the House do? Here’s what Kevin McCarthy’s successor will have for a job

The speaker of the House is the most visible and authoritative spokesperson for the majority party in the House. But their role goes beyond politics to everything from accounting to procurement.

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