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Artikel-artikel mengenai Viruses

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Health authorities are worried because they don’t know how dangerous this strain of coronavirus could be. Facundo Arrizaba BALAGA

Should we be worried about the new Wuhan coronavirus?

The virus seems to spread like any other respiratory illness – through coughs and sneezes, or contact with contaminated surfaces. Here’s what we know about it so far.
Researchers examine materials collected from a Chinese woman to find the cause of her mysterious pneumonia symptoms, at Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, South Korea, 09 January 2020. YONHAP/EPA

Scientists still searching for causes of mysterious pneumonia outbreak in China

Genetic analysis indicates novel coronavirus from Wuhan has a 89% similarity to the SARS virus, a relative of the SARS bat virus. However this does not mean nCoV comes from bats.
Ella Balasa, who has antibiotic-resistant bacteria lodged inside her damaged lungs, prepares to inhale bacteria-killing viruses. AP Photo/Richard Drew

How scientists are combating ‘superbugs’: 4 essential reads

The CDC just released a list of bacteria and fungi that pose, or have the potential to pose, a serious health threat. Here are four strategies for curbing the rise of these superbugs.
Candida auris fungi, is becoming resistant to many anti fungal drugs. Kateryna Kon/

Why does the CDC want us to ‘Think Fungus’?

When people get sick, they often suspect bacteria and viruses as the cause. But now the CDC is asking physicians and patients to consider another culprit: fungi.

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