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Artikel-artikel mengenai Water supply

Menampilkan 41 - 53 dari 53 artikel

Protesters occupy a national highway in the Western Cape. EPA/Nic Bothma

Growing Western Cape protests show citizens expect greater accountability

Governing parties and officials need to take note of the frustration being expressed by ordinary South Africans.
The Thomson Dam, Melbourne’s largest water storage, dropped to only 16% of capacity in the last big drought. Melbourne Water/flickr

This is what Australia’s growing cities need to do to avoid running dry

Australian cities have turned to some very costly solutions when water is scarce. But as the world’s second-highest users of water per person, more efficient use and recycling are key.
An innovative water-sensitive project aims to dramatically improve the health of slums and their environment together.

Water-sensitive innovations to transform health of slums and environment

A five-year project announced today will implement an innovative water-sensitive approach tailored to informal settlements. The goal is to revitalise 24 communities in Fiji and Indonesia.

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