Brighton and Sussex Medical School is an equal partnership between the Universities of Sussex and Brighton together with NHS organisations throughout the South East region. The arrangements for the School’s governance reflect this approach and students are awarded joint BM BS degrees of both Universities.
The School is fully committed to the principles of Tomorrow’s Doctors; we endorse the value of medical education in a multi-professional context, and promote the highest possible standards in our teaching, clinical practice, and research (both fundamental and applied).
The new NHS workforce plan for England promises a 50% increase in GP training places by 2031. But the challenges GPs are wrestling with go much deeper.
Pandemi COVID-19 secara tidak proporsional berdampak pada individu LGBT+, khususnya mereka yang hidup dengan HIV, pekerja seks, individu transgender, dan mereka yang hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan.
LGBT+ people have been eligible to receive COVID vaccines, but lack of ID cards, discrimination, accessibility issues and misinformation have emerged as challenges to do so.
There are a number of effective interventions to prevent gender-based violence among adult women and men at risk of HIV infection. But little is known about the effectiveness of these in young people.
Is it possible for the voting public to learn something about their leaders just from watching the body language they display when they speak in public? Given the number of obviously rehearsed gestures…
Have you ever had the flu, and along with the physical symptoms a temporary feeling of being low and fed up? Though most of us would shrug these feelings off as a result of not being able to go out with…