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Brunel University London

Brunel is a world-class university based in Uxbridge, West London. Now over 40 years old, our mission has always been to combine academic rigour with the practical, entrepreneurial and imaginative approach pioneered by our namesake Isambard Kingdom Brunel.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 294 articles

Devastation: much of central Khartoum has been destroyed in heavy fighting. EPA-EFE/Indonesian Embassy KBRI Khartoum

Sudan: questions about Wagner Group involvement as another African country falls prey to Russian mercenaries

The role of the Wagner Group in the Sudan crisis is not yet clear, but its mercenaries are reported to be involved in a number of African countries.
‘Ugly’ produce might be just as delicious but still gets rejected based on looks. Rosie2/Shutterstock

How ‘ugly’ fruit and vegetables could tackle food waste and solve supermarket supply shortages

Selling misshapen, bruised fruit and vegetables that are not a standard size requires a supply chain rethink, according to research.
Les personnes souffrant de troubles psychiques se sentent en décalage avec leur environnement professionnel, ajoutant de la souffrance à la souffrance. Magnet.Me / Pixabay

Handicap psychique : une navigation encore difficile dans le monde du travail

Près d’une personne sur huit souffre aujourd’hui de troubles psychiques. Une étude montre que ce handicap, le plus souvent intériorisé, complique l'intégration sur le marché de l’emploi.


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