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Columbia University


Displaying 21 - 40 of 245 articles

A woman at a a counselling centre for rape victims in Paoua, 500km northwest of Bangui in the CAR. Photo by Barbara Debout/AFP via Getty Images

Wagner, conflict and poverty drive Central African Republic death rate above crisis levels: but where’s the aid?

The birth rate was lower and the death rate markedly higher in areas outside government control in the Central African Republic.
If your instincts say a lot of images on Facebook are misleading, you’re right. AP Photo/Jenny Kane

Visual misinformation is widespread on Facebook – and often undercounted by researchers

The flood of misinformation on social media could actually be worse than many researchers have reported. The problem is that many studies analyzed only text, leaving visual misinformation uncounted.
Le taux de mortalité infantile atteint 70 pour 1 000 naissances en République démocratique du Congo. MONUSCO Photos/Flickr

République démocratique du Congo : la qualité des centres de santé n’est pas qu’une question de financement

Un travail de recherche en République démocratique du Congo met en lumière le rôle essentiel des pratiques de gestion dans la qualité des soins dispensés aux populations les plus défavorisées.
Para peneliti telah lama mengetahui bahwa duduk terlalu lama merupakan kebiasaan yang tidak sehat. Morsa Images/Digital Vision via Getty Images

Studi: efek buruk duduk terlalu lama bisa dihindari

Berjalan singkat yang dilakukan dengan sering sepanjang hari adalah kunci untuk membantu mencegah efek berbahaya dari gaya hidup yang tidak aktif.
Nurses of the University College Hospital protest in London on Feb. 6, 2023. The walkout is part of a wave of health worker strikes and demonstrations in recent months. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)

Health-care worker strikes in the United Kingdom: Are there lessons for Canada’s health crisis?

U.K. health worker protests echo issues in Canada. They are also a harbinger of future labour disputes and systemic collapse if austerity, underinvestment and neglect of health workers continue.
Los investigadores saben desde hace tiempo que estar sentados hora tras hora es un hábito poco saludable. Morsa Images/Digital Vision via Getty Images

Estar sentados todo el día es nefasto para la salud, pero hay alternativa

Si su trabajo o sus estudios le hacen pasar muchas horas sentado, existe una manera de reducir los efectos nocivos que esto supone para la salud: dar un paseo suave de cinco minutos cada media hora.
Smartphone, ordinateur, tablette… Les écrans sont désormais partout. MandriaPix/Shutterstock

Is screen addiction real and if so, how widespread is it?

Screen addiction is already a household term, but is there any scientific basis for this phenomenon? We take a look at the methods used to measure it and its actual hold on the population.


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