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King's College London

King’s College London is one of the top 20 universities in the world (2015/16 QS World University Rankings) and among the oldest in England. King’s has more than 27,600 students (of whom nearly 10,500 are graduate students) from some 150 countries worldwide, and nearly 6,800 staff.


Displaying 161 - 180 of 994 articles

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell (R) light candles in the Church of St. Andrew and Pyervozvannoho All Saints during their visit to the site of a mass grave in Bucha, April 2022. Sergei Supinsky/AFP

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is proof the EU needs to get better at stopping mass atrocities

The war’s one-year anniversary is eerily close to that of an EU report on the prevention of mass atrocities. Ten years later, its authors reflect on what the bloc could have done differently.
Pasien pemegang kartu BPJS Kesehatan menunggu resep obat di RSUD Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat, 9 Februari 2023. ANTARA FOTO/Adeng Bustomi/nym.

Belajar dari krisis Jaminan Kesehatan Inggris (NHS), bagaimana BPJS Kesehatan agar tidak kolaps?

Di satu sisi, naiknya usia harapan hidup Berardi kemajuan kedokteran modern mampu mencegah kematian dini. Tapi, di sisi lain lebih banyak populasi berusia tua yang harus ditanggung oleh NHS.


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