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Macquarie University

Macquarie University is ranked among the top one per cent of universities in the world and enjoys an enviable reputation for research excellence. It’s recognised for the way it uniquely fosters collaboration between students, academics, industry and society – producing graduates who aren’t just highly skilled, but multifaceted global citizens who are among the most sought-after professionals in the world.


Displaying 81 - 100 of 1432 articles

Pesquisas demonstraram que fatores genéticos desempenham um papel importante, mas não há um gene único que cause o transtorno de acumulação. Em vez disso, uma série de fatores psicológicos, neurobiológicos e sociais pode estar em jogo. Shutterstock

Por que as pessoas com transtorno de acumulação acumulam? E como podemos ajudá-las?

É fundamental abordar os fatores emocionais e comportamentais da acumulação por meio de terapia. Mas, às vezes, uma abordagem para evitar danos é melhor.
Leonard Mack was exonerated after 47 years in New York in September 2023. Elijah Craig II/Innocence Project

How mistaken identity can lead to wrongful convictions

Leonard Mack spent years in a US jail for a crime he didn’t commit. Here’s how identification procedures can, and have, led to wrongful convictions, and what can be done to prevent it.
Travailler debout présente certains avantages, mais ne résoud pas tous les problèmes liés à la sédentarité. Shutterstock

Vaut-il vraiment mieux travailler debout plutôt qu’assis ?

Les bureaux « assis-debout » ont colonisé les lieux de travail, dans la perspective de réduire le temps quotidien passé en position assise. Mais rester debout, est-ce vraiment meilleur pour la santé ?
Hanns Glaser, Celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg, April 1561. Zentralbibliothek Zürich

Chariots of the gods, ships in the sky: how unidentified aerial phenomena left their mark in ancient cultures

Modern reactions to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs – what you might think of as UFOs) are similar to those of thousands of years ago.
Neste pequeno atol nas lhas Salomão, o oceano batendo à porta da pequena casa ilustra a situação desesperadora dos países-arquipélagos ao redor do mundo. Simon Albert / ASSOCIATED PRESS

Estudo: Mais de 1.500 ecossistemas costeiros sumirão se deixarmos o planeta aquecer mais 2 graus

A elevação dos mares está levando ecossistemas costeiros ao limite da resistência. Uma pesquisa internacional revela que um “ponto de inflexão” será atingido se permitirmos mais de 2°C de aquecimento
Archaeologists and a scientist using artificial intelligence to study how Aboriginal rock painters’ styles developed over thousands of years. AAP Image/Flinders University

Indigenous knowledges informing ‘machine learning’ could prevent stolen art and other culturally unsafe AI practices

There are many programs where people can generate art using AI. However, this comes with a risk of non-Indigenous people generating Indigenous art, which negatively affects Indigenous artists.


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