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Monash University

Change has been the driving force of Monash University’s growth and success for more than 60 years as we have strived to make a positive difference in the world, and it’s the foundation of our future as we redefine what it means to be a university.

Our Impact 2030 strategic plan charts the path for how we will actively contribute to addressing three key global challenges of the age – climate change, geopolitical security and thriving communities – through excellent research and education for the benefit of national and global communities.

With four Australian campuses, as well as campuses in Malaysia and Indonesia, major presence in India and China, and a significant centre and research foundation in Italy, our global network enriches our education and research, and nurtures enduring, diverse global relationships.

We harness the research and expertise of our global network of talent and campuses to produce tangible, real-world solutions and applications at the Monash Technology Precinct, where our ethos of change catalyses collaboration between researchers, infrastructure and industry, and drives innovation through commercial opportunities that deliver positive impact to human lives.

In our short history, we have skyrocketed through global university rankings and established ourselves consistently among the world’s best tertiary institutions. We rank in the world’s top-50 universities in the QS World University Rankings 2024, Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2023 and US News and World Report (USNWR) Best Global Universities Rankings 2022-23.

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Displaying 2441 - 2460 of 3988 articles

Finding those responsible for illegal downloading on BitTorrents may prove a challenge. Flickr/nrkbeta

BitTorrent and the digital fingerprints we leave behind

How easy is it to find those responsible for movie piracy using BitTorrent technology, as in the Dallas Buyers Club case. Not as easy as you might think.
Alexis Tsipras’ visit to Moscow this week drew a terse response from Angela Merkel, but no deal has been announced. Alexey Nikolsky/Ria Novosti/Kremlin Pool/EPA/AAP

Greece will survive another D-Day – no thanks to Russia

As Greece wastes time seeking war repatriations to help cover its debts, a better solution would be debt forgiveness - with conditions.
Rooftop solar panels are disrupting Australia’s electricity market, and competing with networks. Jason Wong/Flickr

Energy White Paper promises privatisation and lower prices: experts respond

The federal government’s keenly awaited Energy White Paper is firmly focused on cutting prices and red tape, and boosting industry competitiveness - and less so on climate change and renewable energy.
New forms of creativity are proliferating – with the help of technological advancement – and building new activist communities. David Shankbone/Flickr

Creative communities embody a new kind of civic engagement

Can creative activism change the world? In 2015, we are seeing seismic shifts in the functions and forms of creativity – and technological change is amplifying its social role.
Economist Ian Harper has delivered the final report in the most comprehensive review of competition law and policy in more than 20 years. Mark Graham/AAP

Harper makes case for competition overhaul: experts react

The removal of restrictions on retail trading hours, pharmacies and parallel imports, and a controversial “effects test” on existing misuse of market power rules are among the many recommendations contained…
The modern Saudi state rarely steps outside of its borders militarily unless it feels existentially threatened – as it is doing now in Yemen. EPA/Yahya Arhab

Saudi incursion in Yemen more about security than sectarianism

Saudi Arabia’s incursion into Yemen is the latest manifestation of a long-standing struggle between it and Iran over statist issues of conflicting national interest, security and regional hegemony.
The Abbott government is running out of time to try to come up with new ideas and refresh its reason for being. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Lacking an agenda, the Abbott government’s time is running out

When it comes to producing a comprehensive, far-reaching policy regime – a coherent vision for Australia’s society and economy and how to turn it into reality – the government is only getting started.
Observations of the dusty cloud G2 as it approaches and then swings around the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way. ESO/A. Eckart

Young star theory forged from a near miss with a giant black hole

The best observations yet of a mysterious gas cloud that was heading for the black hole at the hear of our Milky Way reveal it may have more stellar origins.
The higher education sector needs more competition to ensure prices stay low. One way to encourage new entrants into the market is to separate funding for teaching and research. Shutterstock

Funding university teaching and research separately could reduce student fees

The higher education sector needs more competition to ensure prices stay low. One way to encourage new entrants into the market is to separate funding for teaching and research.

A caring, sharing economy?

The Federal Opposition has released a discussion paper on the sharing economy. It covers a range of issues: protection of workers, consumer protection, equity and accessibility, taxation and state/federal…
Clumps of thunderstorms are driving increases in rain over tropical oceans. Image courtesy of the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center

The tropics are getting wetter: the reason could be clumpy storms

For a long time climate models have forecast increasing rainfall in tropics. Now we know part of the reason: clumpy thunderstorms.
Cryptographic algorithms have been in a constant arms race with systems seeking to crack them. Yuri Samoilov/Flickr

Encryption today: how safe is it really?

Encryption has come a long way since the days of Sparta and Rome, but it’s still not 100% secure.
From boyhood to late in life, Malcolm Fraser always seemed to be slightly removed from those around him. AAP/Tim Dornin

The long and lonely political journey of Malcolm Fraser

Malcolm Fraser’s record in public life was remarkable, ensuring he’d be remembered not only for his role in The Dismissal, but for how far apart he and the party he once led came to be.
We need to move beyond assumptions that religion is simply about dogmatism. Daniel Montemayor

Get literate in myth, religion and theology

We need to move beyond assumptions that religion is simply about dogmatism, and should continue teaching religion within a secular educational structure.
Housing security matters for older Australians like the residents of Millers Point, Sydney, who fear having to make way for development. AAP/Hugh Peterswald

Suitable, affordable housing is key to our population ageing well

Without affordable and secure housing that meets the needs of older Australians, the nation cannot hope to sustain the productivity that is needed to secure future prosperity.


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