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University of Bath

The University of Bath is a leading UK research university, dedicated to making a positive impact to the world we live in.

The superb facilities and practical support available at the University has created an ethos and environment which inspires a culture of innovation and fresh thinking. The University’s researchers engage closely with industry, the public and policy makers to explore challenging projects that examine the questions and inform the solutions that make a difference to society.

The University of Bath offers innovative and demanding degree programmes to the world’s brightest students, giving them the skills they need to succeed in the most competitive work environments. It is located in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Bath, UK. The city was established as a Roman spa town and is famous for its spectacular Georgian architecture. The University has been named the best campus university in Britain.


Displaying 961 - 980 of 980 articles

The hairband I’m rockin’? Mum bought it. amslerPIX

Couples where mothers earn more are no more likely to split

Families where mothers earn as much as or more than fathers are no more likely to split up than those where mothers earn less, according to new research published today. In fact, the evidence shows that…
Putting a front on the Front: Marine le Pen. Antoine Bayet

The French Front National is still an extreme right-wing party

Marine Le Pen, the leader of the Front National in France, recently threatened to sue anyone who labelled her party as “extreme right”. This is interesting in many respects, most notably because it demonstrates…
Revolving door means you can advise government then advise industry. Zeeweez

Recruiting government advisers to alcohol lobby is too easy

The appointment of senior civil servant David Frost as Chief Executive of the Scotch Whisky Association, one of the alcohol industry’s most aggressive lobby groups, is just the latest high profile case…
It’s not all about the money but universities could drive a harder bargain. Victor1558

Universities are research power houses but fail to reap rewards

In the pharmaceutical industry there is a place known as the Valley of Death. It is the place between research and innovation where many drugs enter but fail to emerge from the other side. One reason for…
Money makes the world go round … or flat, depending on who is paying. Jason Mrachina

Bill protects lobbyists while targeting civil society

The government bill on lobbying currently making its way through parliament has trade unions and most of the non-government organisation (NGO) world up in arms. But they are not complaining about the provisions…
Opening minds at an early age. Argonne National Laboratory

‘Women’s issues’ skew the science careers debate

The so called “leaky pipeline” of women in academic science, technology, engineering and maths is a big issue, representing a major loss in talent and creativity. Only 15% of professors in these fields…
Some cardboard trees made by Hugo Boss and painted by children, because: sustainability! Geoff Caddick/PA

It’s time to ban the empty word ‘sustainability’

While the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that became all the rage some time ago initially had worthwhile aims, it is now more commonly used by corporations to out-worthy their competitors…
Universities just got a little more chilling … emdot

Spying on academics will not help fight terrorism

Universities in this country are under increased pressure to share information about the activities of students and staff whether for immigration purposes, in relation to activism on campus or even in…
Up Front: Marine Le Pen has softened the image of the FN. NdFrayssinet via Creative Commons

Far-right earthquake could be bigger than 2002 for France

For followers of British politics the narrative is familiar: populist right-wing party champions withdrawal from the European Union and a harder line on immigration and suddenly start pulling out remarkable…
The public needs to be convinced its money is being spent wisely. TEDxBrainport

Scientists need to prove their research is worth it

Plato said true philosophers are “those who love to see the truth” – a desire to seek and expose fundamental knowledge. For most scientists, the search for truth, otherwise known as fundamental or basic…
There was cause for new NT chief minister Terry Mills to cheer this weekend, but political debate continues to suffer in Australia. AAP

Politics without passion: NT election another act in an uninspiring policy circus

Labor has just lost another election in Australia to the opposition in an electoral race that was dominated by negative messages, where both parties attempted unsuccessfully to differentiate themselves…
The penny drops: the carbon tax could prompt us to reflect on our habits and change our ways. Flickr/theilr

Is the introduction of a carbon tax a ‘teachable moment’ to change habits?

With the arrival of the carbon tax earlier this month, many people will be looking to see where they can make savings through their behaviour. Alan Pears’ article in The Conversation last month pointed…
Nicolas Sarkozy will seek another term as President of France this Sunday. EPA/Christophe Karaba

France 2012: Sarkozy’s ugly campaign

The first round of the French Presidential election is set to take place this Sunday. The latest polls show that right-wing president Nicolas Sarkozy and his centre-left contender François Hollande are…
French President Nicolas Sarkozy should be worried about the upcoming elections. EPA/Yoan Valat

France 2012: Sarkozy’s tough road ahead

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has a tight fight on his hands. He’ll be taking on the Socialist Party’s Francois Hollande in the elections next year. And he could struggle to get a second term. Four…


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