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University of Canberra

The University of Canberra is ranked among the top 100 young universities in the world. The University specialises in delivering professional education, with a focus on practical skills, and applied research as well as maintaining links with industry.


Displaying 5101 - 5120 of 5431 articles

In his budget reply, Tony Abbott has promised to keep compensation while still scrapping the carbon tax. AAP/Alan Porritt

Abbott backflips on carbon compensation in budget reply

Tony Abbott has promised a Coalition government would keep the income tax and pension compensation Labor has given even after it scraps the carbon tax. The pledge, made in his budget reply, is a major…

Abbott should accept budget savings

Tony Abbott faces two tests in his budget reply. One he can afford to ignore; the other he needs to meet. The government calls for him to reveal the opposition’s fiscal program. But the Coalition has been…
Wayne Swan’s budget has been met with mixed reviews. AAP/Alan Porritt

Federal budget 2013: business and community groups respond

There has been a mixed initial reaction to Treasurer Wayne Swan’s sixth budget from industry and community groups. Big business says it is disappointed with Wayne Swan’s sixth federal budget, laying doubt…
Wayne Swan delivered his sixth budget. AAP/Alan Porritt

Federal budget 2013: The slow road to the black

What is almost certainly the Gillard government’s last budget delays the attack on the deficit and concentrates on entrenching “legacy” programs, for which Labor hopes to be remembered. Dealt a difficult…
Federal treasurer Wayne Swan’s election year budget has to reconcile huge revenue writedowns with spending promises for schools and the disability insurance scheme. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Federal budget 2013: expert reactions

Australian Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan has handed down his sixth budget, facing an almost impossible task: how to reconcile an enormous revenue shortfall with big spending promises, all while keeping…
Treasurer Wayne Swan has unveiled an $19.4 billion deficit, but promises to be back in surplus by 2016-17. AAP

A long slide towards debt leads to Wayne’s budget swansong

How did the Australian economy, which boasts the best performance of the major advanced economies, end up with an estimated budget deficit of A$19 billion this year and an estimated debt of $178 billion…
Many of the measures in Wayne Swan’s budget had already been announced in advance. AAP/Lukas Coch

Federal budget 2013: big deficit to stay next year

Treasurer Wayne Swan has delivered a budget with a A$19.4 billion deficit this financial year, falling only to $18 billion in 2013-14. The government would aim to bring the budget back to “balance” – less…
Today’s budget will not be a typical big-spend budget. AAP

The ‘Alice in Wonderland’ budget

Softening up voters for harsh measures, Julia Gillard observed a fortnight ago that “Tuesday 14 May will be no old-fashioned pre-election budget night”. The budget would not be a “political pamphlet” but…

The trendy conservative

Brett Mason, opposition spokesman on universities and research, has one of the lowest profiles on the Coalition frontbench. Yet in terms of his own portfolio, he is among the most qualified in the shadow…
Cory Bernadi is calling on Tony Abbott to oppose the local government referendum. AAP/Alan Porritt

Bernardi calls for Coalition to oppose local government referendum

Liberal Senator Cory Bernadi has called on the federal Coalition to oppose the referendum to recognise local government in the constitution, which will be held with the September 14 election. Senator Bernadi…
Eden Monaro is currently held by Mike Kelly, Minister for Defence Materiel. AAP/Alan Porritt

The Eden-Monaro project: the first report

In David Williamson’s satirical play “Don’s Party” based around the 1969 federal election night, Eden-Monaro gets a mention, among the early signs of a big swing to Labor. At that poll, the seat returned…
There is no evidence that Tony Abbott, a one-time workplace relations minister, is an industrial relations zealot. AAP/Paul Miller

Grattan on Friday: Abbott targets unions but reassures workers

To insist on his fair dinkum “sensible centre” credentials as he unveiled his workplace relations policy, Tony Abbott recounted how, when a journalist and a union member, he’d moved a strike motion after…
Opposition leader Tony Abbott at the launch of his politically cautious industrial relations policy today in Sydney. AAP/Paul Miller

Abbott announces soft touch workplace policy

Unions’ power would be curbed under an Abbott government, with more restrictions put on their right of entry to workplaces and a time limit imposed for concluding “greenfield agreements” for new projects…

L.A.W tax cuts backfire again

When senior ministers decided to scrap the proposed 2015 tax cuts, the dark shadow of the L.A.W affair must have crossed their minds. Paul Keating legislated tax cuts before the 1993 election, talking…
Mortgage savings final.

Rate relief, budget pain

The Reserve Bank giveth, the government taketh away. At least, that’s the latest pre-budget story. Many families with mortgages of $300,000 will save around $560 a year from the Bank’s 25 basis points…
The federal government’s Farm Finance package includes concessional loans to help farmers restructure and improve productivity - but carries the risk of heaping them with more debt.

Farm Finance package is flawed - and there is a better option

The Federal Government’s new Farm Finance assistance package includes concessional loans to help farms restructure debt and invest in productivity. But this is a back-to-the-future response that carries…
Liberal moderate Mal Washer has called on Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey to explain their commitment to the paid parental leave scheme. AAP/Alan Porritt

Prominent Liberal calls on Abbott to front party room on paid parental leave

The row over Tony Abbott’s controversial paid parental leave scheme has widened with prominent Liberal moderate Mal Washer calling on the opposition leader and shadow treasurer to explain to the party…


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