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University of Canberra

The University of Canberra is ranked among the top 100 young universities in the world. The University specialises in delivering professional education, with a focus on practical skills, and applied research as well as maintaining links with industry.


Displaying 5061 - 5080 of 5431 articles


Men flay Gillard in poll

Julia Gillard’s pitch last week to female voters has backfired dramatically, with Labor’s primary vote in today’s Nielsen poll falling 3 points to 29% while support among men has plunged 7 points. With…

External review of ADF sex scandal desirable

The timing couldn’t have been more apt. As the political debate this week was consumed by issues of gender and sexism, the Australian Defence Force announced it had uncovered yet another scandal involving…
Kevin Rudd’s campaigning today will be a reminder to the caucus of his popularity among people. AAP/Dave Hunt

Grattan on Friday: caucus members are sitting on a powder keg

Kevin Rudd will hit western Sydney today to do some high profile campaigning. For Labor, he would say. For the leadership, others would note. Rudd will be mobbed. He’ll visit schools in the electorates…
Lieutenant General David Morrison is “appalled” at the defence force email scandal. AAP/Lukas Coch

Officers demean women in new defence force scandal

The Australian Defence Force is engulfed in a fresh sex scandal, with three members already suspended and under police investigation for allegedly circulating material demeaning women, and the conduct…

Bullets fly as Labor steps up gender war

This started as a tale of how Julia Gillard overplayed the gender card, suffered a backlash, and then was saved by the appearance of a sexist menu from a Liberal fundraiser, that referred to her body parts…

Questions for Kevin

If Kevin Rudd managed to wrest the prime ministership from Julia Gillard, among the first questions he would need to answer is how he’d address the three issues she promised to resolve after she overthrew…

Shorten says he continues to support Gillard

With the Rudd speculation building to a new frenzy, Julia Gillard must be contemplating how history will regard her. It’s still being assumed she would refuse to stand aside regardless of evidence or entreaties…

Rudd plays the popularity card

Kevin Rudd insists he is back on centre stage just to “lend a hand” to Labor’s cause – like he does, less noticed, in electorates around the country all the time. Many colleagues see that as, shall we…
Gillard’s personal resilience is remarkable, whatever one thinks of her political nous. AAP/Alan Porritt

Grattan on Friday: Crazy days, and more to come before it’s over

Parliament is up for a week, before its final fortnight session of the term. Labor MPs are dreading those last two weeks. If they are anything like the past few days, they’ll be disastrous. “Febrile” and…
Former leader Kevin Rudd maintains that he accepts the verdict of the last leadership ballot. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

Rudd leaves crack open on leadership

Kevin Rudd has given heart to his loyalists by failing to repeat his categoric March declaration that he will never lead Labor again, while reiterating that he would not challenge Julia Gillard. After…

Even Labor humour is bitter

Ridicule can be politically deadly, as former chief government whip Joel Fitzgibbon knows full well. His morning TV “joke” today was another spectacular sign of how discipline within Labor has collapsed…

Blame game in asbestos affair

The NBN asbestos affair is, apart from being a major concern in itself, particularly bad for the government because it triggers memories of the mishandled pink batts scheme. That’s why the opposition is…
Senator David Feeney believes he has the support of the Prime Minister for preselection in the seat of Batman. AAP/Alan Porritt

Brian Howe says PM should keep out of Batman battle

Former deputy prime minister Brian Howe, who held Batman for two decades, has strongly backed local woman Mary-Anne Thomas in the bitter preselection battle for the seat. Howe said Labor should keep its…
Warren Truss has told the Nationals’ federal council that Australia has lost control of its agribusiness. AAP/Alan Porritt

Australia has lost control of its agribusiness to foreigners: Truss

Nationals leader Warren Truss has warned Australia has lost control of its agribusinesses and declared a new takeover bid poses a critical test for the Foreign Investment Review Board. Mr Truss told his…

Victorian Nats challenge Joyce on referendum

The Nats are having their jamboree, AKA federal council, in Canberra tomorrow, as the party juggles trying to keep its own voice while singing in the Abbott choir. A morning highlight was to have been…
Tony Abbott’s credibility has taken a blow this week, after going back on the electoral funding legislation. AAP/Lukas Coch

Grattan on Friday: Could John Faulkner get the last laugh?

It was an extraordinary moment. Tony Abbott, overcome with emotion, as he paid a tribute to Martin Ferguson, after Labor’s former resources minister announced he would leave parliament at the election…


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