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University of Canberra

The University of Canberra is ranked among the top 100 young universities in the world. The University specialises in delivering professional education, with a focus on practical skills, and applied research as well as maintaining links with industry.


Displaying 5081 - 5100 of 5433 articles

Tony Abbott’s credibility has taken a blow this week, after going back on the electoral funding legislation. AAP/Lukas Coch

Grattan on Friday: Could John Faulkner get the last laugh?

It was an extraordinary moment. Tony Abbott, overcome with emotion, as he paid a tribute to Martin Ferguson, after Labor’s former resources minister announced he would leave parliament at the election…
Tony Abbott has rescinded his party’s support for the controversial electoral funding legislation. AAP/Alan Porritt

Abbott turns back on controversial funding bill

The government has been forced to drop its controversial bill to fund the administration of political parties, after Tony Abbott went back on the Coalition’s deal to back the legislation. After an immense…
Martin Ferguson has retired from Parliament. AAP/Alan Porritt

Martin Ferguson will not stand again

Former resources minister Martin Ferguson has announced that he will quit Parliament at the election. Ferguson, a Rudd supporter and one of the ministers who stood down after the March leadership crisis…
John Faulkner has been vocal in his opposition of this proposed legislation. AAP/Dean Lewins

Taxpayers will now fund political parties’ administration

A government plan to hand out tens of millions of dollars in taxpayers money for the administrative costs of political parties has been bitterly attacked by highly-respected former minister John Faulkner…

Abbott stuck with outdated tactic

In late March, after the abortive leadership move and the resignation of several frontbenchers, a fired-up Tony Abbott said the opposition would put a motion of no confidence in the government on the notice…
Fred Chaney says the public service has a weakened capacity to offer expert advice. Photo: uwa_studentservices

Public service advice less expert: Chaney

The Australian public service is less well-placed that previously to offer expert advice, according to former minister Fred Chaney. Chaney said that public service reforms had actually weakened the capacity…
Barnaby Joyce believes local government must make more effort if they want a “yes” vote at the referendum. AAP/Lukas Coch

Grattan on Friday: Battling the referendum naysayers

It might be the mickey mouse part of September 14 but the referendum to recognise local government in the constitution will be a fascinating case study of what happens to a view held by the public when…
Treasury Secretary Martin Parkinson has vigorously denied his department has become politicised. AAP

PBO and Treasury reports confirm it – the deficit is unsustainable

Two reports released on the same day have confirmed what we already knew - that the structural budget balance is in poor shape. The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) has launched its report, Estimates…
Joe Hockey has “deep reservations” about the current role of the tax office. AAP/Alan Porritt

Hockey signals watchdog on tax office

Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey has launched a fierce attack on the Australian Taxation Office, accusing it of having had “an insular and inward looking culture” for too long and raising the spectre of possibly…

Gonski battle turns to numbers

The reform of Australia’s school funding system has degenerated into an unseemly arm wrestle between federal leaders and premiers, and conflicting claims about whether money would go up or down over the…
“Re-warm ups” may boost performance in the subsequent minutes, the study showed. EPA/JUAN CARLOS HIDALGO

Half time warm-ups boost athletic performance

High-intensity, short duration warm up activities at half time intervals boost athletic performance, a study of soccer players has found. The research may provide an insight into how losing teams could…
Gillard Gonski Final.

Battle over schools money heats up

Barry O'Farrell must be Tony Abbott’s least favourite Liberal just now. O'Farrell has not just lived up to that old cliché “don’t stand between a premier and a bucket of money” by doing a deal with Julia…

Abbott has set the GST hare running

Can you believe it? We’re now debating a second term Abbott government. On one hand, cautious Tony is presenting himself as careful and unthreatening: bipartisan on disability, accepting the budget’s savings…


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