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University of Southern Queensland

The University of Southern Queensland is dedicated to providing quality programs and degrees in a flexible and supportive environment. In just over 50 years, it has become a prominent teaching and research institution providing education worldwide from three regional locations – Toowoomba, Springfield and Ipswich.


Displaying 281 - 300 of 425 articles

Networking online might not be so good for your “social capital” overall. Kyle Steed/Flickr

The internet helps us translate ‘social capital’ to economic benefits

Spending lots of time on the internet might be good for getting what you want in the short term but it might not work in the long term.
An artist’s impression shows the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our solar system. ESO/M. Kornmesser

Say hello to the Earth’s nearest exoplanet neighbour: Proxima Centauri b

Astronomers have found an Earth-like planet orbiting our nearest neighbour, the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri. So any chance that planet may be habitable?
Barnaby Joyce of the Nationals and Senator Nick Xenophon and his team may have more influence post election. Alan Porritt/AAP

Business Briefing: are Hanson, NXT and the Nationals bad for business?

Business Briefing: Hanson, NXT and The Nationals, bad for business? The Conversation14.8 MB (download)
The newly elected Senate crossbenchers and a stronger Nationals representation could mean bad news for trade deals but good news for local industry.
Christos Tsiolkas’ provocative Barracuda is his latest novel to be adapted for the small screen. ABC

Christos Tsiolkas, the ‘blasphemous’ artist and Barracuda

Barracuda is the latest of Christos Tsiolkas’ novels to come to the small screen. As his characters grapple with anger and isolation, Tsiolkas celebrates community and the power of literature.
An artists’s impression of how common planets are around the stars in the Milky Way. ESO/M. Kornmesser

Explainer: How to find an exoplanet (part 2)

A look at some of the more obscure methods astronomers use to detect planets around other stars, in the second of a two-part series on finding world’s elsewhere in the universe.
In the Exoplanet Era, we are learning that planets abound in the cosmos. ESO/M. Kornmesser

Explainer: How to find an exoplanet (part 1)

Astronomers have discovered more than 3,000 planets around other stars, so far. In the first of a two-part series we look at how they find world’s elsewhere in the universe.
Ukraine’s Jamala reacts to winning the Eurovision Song Contest with the song 1944. TT News Agency

Along with soulful gazes and key changes, politics is never far from Eurovision

This year’s Eurovision had it all: geopolitical debates, a boycott threat, great music and a cracking Australian entry. Russia is outraged by Jamala’s winning song about the deportation of Crimean Tartars - but the contest has always had political nuances.
Alpha Centauri is actually the outer star (bottom right) of The Pointers, which point to the Southern Cross. Y. Beletsky (LCO)/ESO

Is Alpha Centauri the right place to search for life elsewhere?

A US$100-million plan has been announced to send tiny probes out in space in search of life elsewhere in the universe. But are they looking in the right place?


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