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University of Southern Queensland

The University of Southern Queensland is dedicated to providing quality programs and degrees in a flexible and supportive environment. In just over 50 years, it has become a prominent teaching and research institution providing education worldwide from three regional locations – Toowoomba, Springfield and Ipswich.


Displaying 261 - 280 of 425 articles

John Fead, Shakespeare and his contemporaries, 1851. Wikimedia

Shakespeare’s lost playhouse – now under a supermarket

The first recorded performance of the theatre company that Shakespeare co-founded was at a playhouse south of the Thames, but was lost to historians for centuries. Now we know where it lies.
Jarvis Cocker in the film clip for Common People. Screenshot from Youtube

My favourite album: Pulp’s Different Class

In Different Class, Pulp got fans singing and dancing to searing commentaries on class and privilege.
Lasers being shone from the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. These lasers help remove the twinkles in the night sky and help astronomers see stars clearer on Earth than ever before. F. Kamphues/ESO

Curious Kids: Why do stars twinkle?

How exactly do the stars twinkle in the night sky? As it turns out, the answer is full of hot air… and cold air.
Methane is produced in landfill when organic waste decomposes. Shutterstock

Capturing the true wealth of Australia’s waste

Landfills produce huge amounts of methane. Many of the bigger operators capture it to turn into energy, but they’re wasting about 80% of what’s available. It’s time Australia stepped up.
Voice authentication technology could be used to increase blockchain security. Merrill College of Journalism/flickr

The blockchain could have better security than the banks

Providing security in the blockchain would convert into a degree of predictability in the technology. If this was shown to work in the long term, it would also create trust.
A compactor at work on Australian landfill. via Wikimedia commons

Explainer: how much landfill does Australia have?

Australia sends 20 million tonnes of garbage to landfill every year. With thousands of sites across the nation, it’s hard to track exactly how many there are, where they are, and what’s filling them.
The languages children learn in school might not be the most useful for their future. from

What languages should children be learning to get ahead?

There is usually a historical reason why schools teach certain languages. But as new economies emerge, such languages may no longer be the best ones to learn.
An artist’s concept of what it could look like on the surface of one of the exoplanets of TRAPPIST-1. NASA/JPL-Caltech

Seven Earth-sized planets discovered orbiting a nearby star

Several of the newly-discovered exoplanets orbiting a small star appear to be locked in an intricate dance that hints at how such planetary systems can form.
It’s important to get the research across to and understood by decision-makers. Shutterstock/

Listen up: a plan to help scientists get their research heard by decision-makers

Research comes with risk and uncertainty so getting the right message across to the people who matter can be a challenge for scientists. A new plan out today hopes to change that.
Patience can be rewarded as with this composite of the 2016 Geminids meteor shower, seen over Mt Teide volcano on the Canary Islands, off Spain. Flickr/StarryEarth

Look up! Your guide to some of the best meteor showers for 2017

2017 is looking to be a spectacular year for meteor showers. So here’s what to look out for in both the northern and southern skies.
Australia has slipped further down the international rankings in maths, science and reading. from

PISA results don’t look good, but before we panic let’s look at what we can learn from the latest test

Rather than leaping to conclusions about a failing education system, we need to look at what the data tells us about student performance at a state level to help us make more informed decisions.


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