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University of Sydney

Established in 1850, the University of Sydney was Australia’s first tertiary education institution. It is committed to maximising the potential of its students, teachers and researchers for the benefit of Australia and the wider world.


Displaying 2261 - 2280 of 4809 articles

Millions of women around the world are estimated to be living with depressive symptoms after stillbirth. from

Five ways to help parents cope with the trauma of stillbirth

Stillbirth deeply and profoundly affects parents and families. Here are five actions in response to this hidden tragedy.
There’s lots going on in the lives of four-year-old boys, including how to regulate their emotions. Let’s not blame their hormones. from

Health Check: do boys really have a testosterone spurt at age four?

Some parents think their four-year-old boy’s emotional outbursts and aggressive behaviour can be blamed on their hormones. Here’s why that’s a myth.
PwC now has more than 3,500 lawyers in 90 countries on its payroll. EPA/AAP

Come hide with us – bean counters raid big law firms

The Big Four accounting firms are headhunting senior lawyers by the score. Could this be a way to assert legal professional privilege over tax advice for their multinational clients?
There are five women in the Turnbull government cabinet, making up just 24% of members. AAP/Mick Tsikas

How the Liberals can fix their gender problem

Setting targets is one way to attain more female MPs, but it must be accompanied by cultural change.
Petani Bali dengan latar Gunung Agung. Wilayah dengan aktivitas vulkanik yang tinggi adalah wilayah dengan lahan pertanian yang paling subur. Reuters/Darren Whiteside

Letusan Gunung Agung bisa menghasilkan tanah tersubur di dunia

Abu vulkanik menciptakan gangguan bagi petani, karena dapat mengubur lahan pertanian dan merusak tanaman. Namun, dalam jangka panjang, abu akan menciptakan tanah yang paling subur di dunia.
Balinese farmers with Mount Agung in the background. Areas with high volcanic activity also have some of the world’s most fertile farmlands. Reuters/Darren Whiteside

How Mount Agung’s eruption can create the world’s most fertile soil

Volcanic ash can cause a nuisance to farmers, burying agricultural lands and damaging crops. But in the long term, this ash will create highly productive soil that can support huge populations.


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