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University of Sydney

Established in 1850, the University of Sydney was Australia’s first tertiary education institution. It is committed to maximising the potential of its students, teachers and researchers for the benefit of Australia and the wider world.


Displaying 2221 - 2240 of 4809 articles

Jake Arditti (Nero) in Coronation of Poppea: the production is a haze of drug-fuelled violence, erotic drive, and dog eat dog power plays. Brett Boardman

Pinchgut’s Poppea plays hedonism, violence and passion to the hilt

The Monteverdi opera exploring passion in ancient Rome has been transposed to a contemporary gangster setting in a new Sydney production.
Women who’ve never had a Pap smear or who’ve skipped a few don’t need to miss out on cervical screening. For the first time, some can take their own sample if that makes them feel more comfortable. from

Never had a Pap smear? Now there’s a DIY option for you

For the first time, some Australian women will be eligible to collect their own sample for cervical screening. While it’s not as accurate as one from a GP or nurse, it could still save your life.
The federal government has announced a royal commission into banks and other financial services entities. AAP

Banking royal commission will expose the real cost of bad behaviour

Even though the Prime Minister and heads of the big four banks argue costly political uncertainty is the reason for the royal commission, experts argue the banks’ behaviour itself is the real cost.
Three new reports examine Australia’s existing space capabilities, set them in the light of international developments, and identify growth areas and models for Australia to pursue. 136319147@N08/flickr

Three new reports add clarity to Australia’s space sector, a ‘crowded and valuable high ground’

Space is becoming cheaper, more attractive to investors and increasingly important in our data-rich economy. It’s time Australia mapped a path forward.
Ngathu, in Bangarra’s Ones Country, is a brilliant combination of the contemporary and traditional, telling the story of the ngathu, or cycad, in Arnhem Land. Photo by Daniel Boud

In Bangarra’s Ones Country, new voices show the many faces of Indigenous Australia

Bangarra’s current season of three new works, Ones Country, is uneven in parts but worth seeing for the diversity of Indigenous stories from some new choreographic voices.
In Taxi Driver, Robert De Niro’s character, Travis Bickle, inhabits his own crazy paradigm, yet ultimately events frame him as a hero in the eyes of others too. YouTube

A Robert De Niro Theory of Post-Truth: ‘Are you talking to me?’

As Orwell knew only too well, if the concept of objective truth is moved into the dustbin of history there can be no lies. And if there are no lies there can be no justice, no rights and no wrongs.
Jurnal Kedokteran Hindia Belanda (Geneeskundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië) Hans Pols

Kisah lima dokter hebat Indonesia pada masa penjajahan Belanda

Jurnal Kedokteran Hindia Belanda mulanya hanya menerbitkan artikel dari dokter Eropa, tapi pada abad ke-20 para dokter pendiri UGM, LIPI, dan PKBI juga menulis untuk jurnal ini.
RAAF warplanes fly over Syria in Australia’s first airstrikes in that country in September 2015. AAP/ADF

War and democracy – who decides?

The wars in Syria and Iraq are products of secretive decision-making by the executive. Their disastrous consequences are evidence of the need for war powers reform.
Australia’s Trade Minister Steven Ciobo speaking after a meeting for the Trans Pacific Partnership in Vietnam. AAP

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is back: experts respond

Many provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership have been suspended after the United States pulled out. But there’s still much to debate about the regional free trade agreement.


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