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University of Sydney

Established in 1850, the University of Sydney was Australia’s first tertiary education institution. It is committed to maximising the potential of its students, teachers and researchers for the benefit of Australia and the wider world.


Displaying 1741 - 1760 of 4809 articles

Children are more likely than adults to catch and spread influenza. From

Kids are more vulnerable to the flu – here’s what to look out for this winter

Children’s immune systems are more vulnerable to the flu; even kids who are otherwise healthy can develop complications. The best way to protect children is by having them vaccinated.
One problem with our campaign coverage is that we’re too focused on the party leaders – the media should be covering the ministers more and going deeper into policy. Dean Lewis/AAP

Enough ‘gotcha’ campaign coverage. Here are five ways the media can better cover elections

After this election, the major parties will review their campaign strategies. It’s time the media did the same and found ways to improve their coverage for future campaigns.
Australia’s dengue cases are usually limited to far north Queensland. Shutterstock

After decades away, dengue returns to central Queensland

Mosquito-borne dengue virus returned to central Queensland after being absent for decades. But while most Australian cases involve travellers, this one is locally acquired.
Morrison’s Cabinet features a few new faces, and several familiar ministers in different roles. The Conversation / AAP Images

Infographic: who’s who in the new Morrison ministry

Scott Morrison’s new ministry includes a few new faces and several new roles for familiar cabinet members. Our experts take a closer look at each portfolio.
Australia sees higher rates of disability in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population than the non-Indigenous population. From

Why Aboriginal voices need to be front and centre in the disability Royal Commission

The experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians must be at the forefront of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
Being separated from their children affects the mental well-being of Aboriginal mothers in prison. ChrisMilesProductions/Shutterstock

Aboriginal mothers are incarcerated at alarming rates – and their mental and physical health suffers

Aboriginal mothers in prison feel intergenerational trauma and the forced removal of their children are the most significant factors impacting their health and well-being.
Sydney CBD is highly accessible and remains clearly the dominant centre in the metropolitan region. Holli/Shutterstock

How close is Sydney to the vision of creating three 30-minute cities?

When a city gets to a certain size, it starts to make sense to have multiple centres of activity, and three are planned for Sydney. So what needs to be done to bring the city closer to this goal?
Contrary to expectations, Victoria failed to deliver a government majority to Labor. Wes Mountain/The Conversation, CC BY-ND

State of the states: Queensland and Tasmania win it for the Coalition

The Tasmanian seats of Bass and Braddon were always going to be key elements of a Coalition victory – and so it proved to be.
Scientists have pieced together Game of Thrones’ geology as the show draws last breath on television. Kal242382 from Wikimedia Commons

We made a moving tectonic map of the Game of Thrones landscape

Even in this fantasy world, geological processes like tectonic plate movement, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions would have built the mountains, carved the rivers, and created vast oceans.
If Labor had won on Saturday, Bill Shorten would have been the least popular party leader ever elected prime minister, according to election data. Lukas Coch/AAP

Labor’s election loss was not a surprise if you take historical trends into account

Election data suggests the Coalition’s victory wasn’t so surprising after all – long-term trends pointed toward a Labor loss, given the various factors in play in this election.
As one of the fastest-growing cities in the developed world, Melbourne’s suburban sprawl has many costs. Nils Versemann/Shutterstock

Rapid growth is widening Melbourne’s social and economic divide

State and local governments can’t do much about the rapid population growth in Melbourne, but they can take steps to reduce the costs of growing disparities between the outer suburbs and inner city.


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