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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 2561 - 2580 of 4198 articles

A forensic reconstruction of the appearance of Homo floresiensis (Credit: Cicero Moraes et alii). Wikimedia Commons

The Hobbit gets a little older, and science a little wiser

When a skeleton of the so-called ‘Hobbit’ - scientific name Homo floresiensis - was unearthed in Indonesia in 2003 it would go on to cause a major furor in anthropological circles like few others before…
The long campaigns of the US election give candidates more opportunities to come unstuck. Shawn Thew/EPA/AAP

Goldilocks and the economics of election campaigns

Longer campaigns suggest the government is confident in its ability to debate the issues, but also give it more chances to get caught out.
How clean is that finger, Donald? youtube

How often does Donald Trump wash his hands?

Move over Nate Silver! The statistician and author of The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail - But Some Don’t may have called 49 out of 50 states right in the 2012 US Presidential election…

Interactive: profiles of the cabinet and shadow cabinet

We asked our experts to appraise the political and policy performances of the federal cabinet and shadow cabinet.
Whether he succeeds or not, Malcolm Turnbull’s attempt to reform the federation will be a long and tricky process. AAP/Ben Macmahon

Turnbull’s plan to fix the federation is bold – but can he deliver?

Malcolm Turnbull’s bold plan to give states the power to levy income tax is a risky move, and the latest in a string of attempts to ‘fix’ federal-state relations that have not succeeded.
Consciousness remains one of the most puzzling phenomena in science. Melissa Portes/Flickr

Is anyone there? About consciousness and its disorders

Consciousness is one of the most puzzling phenomena in science. How does the electric and chemical activity in your brain produce your subjective experiences; the colour red or the taste of chocolate?
What are the hormones that cause cravings during pregnancy? from

Chemical messengers: how pregnancy hormones affect the body

Multiple hormones produced by the mother, placenta and the foetus drive and coordinate the amazing biological changes and development of the baby that occur with conception, foetal growth and birth.


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