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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 2621 - 2640 of 4198 articles

Hand-drawn poster showing the relationship between tumour suppressor and oncogenes in cancer. Kate Patterson.

Talking serious science using scissors and glue

A student once told me that she would prefer to learn from pages of writing rather than from a single, concise image. When she told me, I think I may have actually frowned and I definitely paused, just…
The proposed changes to the Corporations Act might protect investors in crowd funding but it limits the types of businesses that can use these platforms. From

Crowd-sourced funding: Australia needs to learn from Italy’s mistakes

The Italian government tried to limit the type of companies that could use crowd-sourced funding with poor results, Australia can learn from this.
One in three adults have smoked pot at some point in their lives. Philippa Willitts/Flickr

Does cannabis cause mental illness?

The potential harms associated with using cannabis depend, above all others, on two things: the age at which you first begin to use cannabis and the frequency, dose and duration of use.
The tax deal between the UK government and Google shows governments have a long way to go when sharing the benefits of the knowledge economy. Andy Rain/EPA/AAP

When ‘innovation’ fails to fix our finances

The rest of society won’t see the benefits of innovation until governments figure out a way to effectively tax the knowledge economy.
Cranium of Sahelanthropus tchadensis: a 7 million year old member of the human evolutionary lineage from Chad. Wikimedia Commons

When humans split from the apes

When and where did humans split from the apes to become a separate branch of bipeds? Are we an ape or not? If so, which of the living Great Apes is the closest to humans? European philosophers and scientists…
Confidence numbers reflect many are waiting to see if it’s safe to invest. Image sourced from

Vital Signs: economy in a holding pattern

The economic news of the week wasn’t that bad - but there’s still plenty of timid types around.
Photo Credit: MONA/Rémi Chauvin Image Courtesy MONA Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Blending science, art and other excrement

I think it’s fair to say that I am fairly experienced in dealing with excrement. While some of this comes with caring for two small children, most of my faecal-awareness comes from first career as a veterinarian…


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