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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 2681 - 2700 of 4198 articles

Housing affordability, especially in Sydney, is now a source of political protests and the NSW government has announced a funding scheme with the potential to ease the pressure. AAP/Teresa Parker

Are we seeing a new dawn for affordable housing?

In what looks to be a landmark policy announcement with possible national ramifications, the NSW government has outlined the first phase of a $1 billion fund to develop social and affordable housing.
Protecting the herd means a certain proportion of the population has to be immunised. Flickr/Princessrica

Explainer: what is herd immunity?

When a high proportion of a community is immune it becomes hard for diseases to spread from person to person – a phenomenon known as herd immunity.
Australia’s current military involvement in the Middle East has not been properly scrutinised by parliament. AAP/Australian Defence

What say do our elected representatives have in going to war?

Across the world, debates have emerged around the extent to which the legislative branch should be involved in – and even have the final say on – authorisation of military deployment.
Rice terraces reshape mountains in southern China. Wikimedia commons

In the driver’s seat of evolution

Humans have had a profound influence over evolution; ours and the evolution of many other species. So much so today that we are without doubt in the driver’s seat of evolution for many species, including…
Research must have an impact – but what’s the best way to measure it?

Watt report suggests financial incentives for measuring research impact

A government report on research funding and policy has recommended introducing a funding incentive to ensure university research benefits society and business.
Gene editing allows us to eliminate any misspellings, introduce beneficial natural variants, or perhaps cut out or insert new genes. Libertas Academica/Flickr

Why we can trust scientists with the power of new gene-editing technology

Should the gathering of experts from around the world that’s considering the scientific, ethical, and governance issues linked to research into gene editing ring alarm bells?


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