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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 2741 - 2760 of 4198 articles

Traditional ceremonial dress at Mount Hagan, Papua New Guinea. Wikimedia Commons

Why are humans unique? It’s the small things that count

Can there be any more important a question than, ‘How did we get here?’ Of course, I don’t mean those books we all gawked at as tweens desperate to understand our transforming pubescent bodies. I mean…
Aboriginal people with mental and cognitive disability are ‘managed’ by police, courts and prisons due to a lack of appropriate community-based services. Kate Ausburn/flickr

Why Aboriginal people with disabilities crowd Australia’s prisons

Australia’s high rates of imprisonment and re-imprisonment of Aboriginal people with mental and cognitive disabilities is not only shameful, it is entirely predictable and preventable.
A coalmining moratorium would tackle the problem at its source. TripodStories/Wikimedia Commons

Like it or not, morality dictates that we wean ourselves off coal

With the world’s carbon budget already bursting at the seams, getting off coal is the moral thing to do. And a moratorium is a more efficient way to do it than ever-increasing rules and regulations.
Alan Finkel is a well respected member of the Australian scientific community. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

Reaction: Alan Finkel to be Australia’s next Chief Scientist

The scientific community reacts to the news that Dr Alan Finkel has been appointed Australia’s New Chief Scientist as of 2016.
A Yemeni girl holds a baby in a temporary shelter at the port town Bosasso in Somalia’s Puntland after fleeing war in Yemen. Reuters/Feisal Omar T

Lessons in refugee hospitality from the Horn of Africa

Although Africa is familiar with large-scale refugee crises, it is uncommon for it to host people seeking protection from outside the continent, as is the case with thousands of Yemeni refugees.
Rivers in many agriculturally significant areas of Australia could lose water as the landscape grows greener. Kerry Raymond/Wikimedia Commons

River flows drop as carbon dioxide creates thirstier plants

Rising carbon dioxide levels are making plants grow faster, sucking up more water and reducing river flows in many agriculturally important areas of Australia, according to new research.
Dodgy deals don’t undermine business ethics - they prove its relevance. Eric Constantineau/flickr

Don’t get rid of corporate ethics – go deeper

It’s been a bumper few months if you’re sceptical about the capacity of business ethics to enact moral change in the world. From VW’s emissions fraud to 7/11’s wage scandals and the apparent market for…


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