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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 2781 - 2800 of 4198 articles

What’s she trying to sell? EPA/PAUL BUCK

Selling sex in music videos and Video Music Awards

That most confected of artificial television spectacles, the MTV Video Music Awards has mercifully passed for another year. Miley Cyrus returned as host to the scene of her infamous 2013 performance where…
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has announced the winners and losers of his ministerial reshuffle. Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull unveils cabinet line-up: experts respond

What are the key challenges for ministers entering new portfolios in Malcolm Turnbull’s first cabinet? The Conversation asked experts in key policy areas to respond.
The reservoirs of dormant HIV have been the main barrier to a cure. anaxila/Flickr

Cancer drug promises to break down barrier to HIV cure

Researchers have found a promising way of kicking the AIDS virus out of its hiding place in infected cells, potentially removing the main obstacle to curing HIV.
‘Children who are yet to be born need to know their place in the never-ending story.’ Warangkula family portrait alongside Warangkula Court street sign. Photo: Helen Puckey

Streets of Papunya delivers an artistic renaissance worth celebrating

Succeeding generations need to know where they are placed in the unfolding grand narrative of Aboriginal art. Those of us who are not Aboriginal need to understand the complex relationship between settler Australians and the people of the land.
Surveys of children revealed they don’t like being lied to about the degenerative condition.

Five tips on how to talk to kids about dementia

With 900,000 Australians expected to be living with dementia by 2050, these are the types of questions more and more children will be asking as they come to know someone living with dementia.
The new Prime Minister has an opportunity to reverse the cuts to science funding and transform Australia into an innovative nation. Tracy Sorensen/Flickr

Turnbull has an opportunity to make Australia a science nation

A Turnbull government has an opportunity to redirect Australia towards being a science and innovation nation.
Homo naledi bones. Image: Lee Berger and coauthors 2015 (eLife 2015;4:e09560). Wikimedia Commons

Did ‘rising star’ shine too bright?

Last week was rather exceptional for human evolution science, even for those of us who are used to the extravagances of media attention that surround the field. We were spoilt with the announcement of…
Sexual contact between men remains the main route of HIV transmission. Aristocrats-hat/Flickr

Five reasons why HIV infections in Australia aren’t falling

Despite health promotion campaigns and a concerted effort to make antiretroviral therapy more accessible, the number of new HIV cases in Australia has remained stable over the last three years.
The biggest growth in sexually transmitted infections is for chlamydia and gonorrhoea. J. Michel (aka: Mitch) Carriere/Flickr

Good news and bad in latest annual report on HIV, hepatitis and STI rates

The latest instalment of Australia’s annual report card on HIV, hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections has been released this morning. Here’s what experts make of the results.


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