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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 2581 - 2600 of 4198 articles

Access to small loans is getting easier, but not everyone is resilient enough to manage their finances. Image sourced from

Four reasons payday lending will still flourish despite Nimble’s $1.5m penalty

The payday lending sector is under scrutiny again after the Australian Securities and Investment Commission’s investigation into Nimble. After failing to meet responsible lending obligations, Nimble must…
The health sector can learn from other industries that turn to operations research to fix everyday challenges. Anna Jurkovska/Shutterstock

Hospitals don’t need increased funding, they need to make better use of what they’ve got

Fixing the hospital system is not just a matter of more funding. Hospitals need to work smarter, not harder.
A reconstruction of a male our evolutionary cousin the Neanderthals (Modified from an image by Cicero Moraes). Wikimedia Commons

A golden age of ancient DNA science begins

If I had taken a straw poll among anthropologists 10 years ago asking them how far genetic research would come in the next decade, I doubt anyone would have come close to predicting the big impact fossil…
Current clinical trials are evaluating stem cell therapies for conditions ranging from eye disease to AIDS. from

Stem cell therapies are advancing, but will Australian patients be left behind?

Current clinical trials testing stem cell therapies for a number of diseases are going on in the US, Europe, Canada, Japan and elsewhere, but not in Australia.
The most common reason for choosing private hospitals is shorter waits for elective surgery. Richard Lyons/Shutterstock

Which are better, public or private hospitals?

Around a quarter of people with private health insurance still choose to use the public system. Why?
The critical issues underlying the debate about Sydney’s nightlife include worsening inequality and who is getting left behind. AAP/Richard Ashen

Beyond lockouts: Sydney needs to become a more inclusive city

Without the public mobilising over inequalities that are so ingrained in its psyche, Sydney is unlikely to see its nightlife reflect true social inclusion and diversity.
Sydney Harbour is arguably the city’s only truly great public space. flickr/Duncan Hull

Utzon Lecture: Re-imagining the Harbour City

Under pressure to be a global city, market-led infrastructure provision is shifting the focus from public to private interests, from government as promoter to government as client, with mixed results.
An Aboriginal rock painting in Kakadu National Park of an early European ship. Wikimedia Commons, Google Art & Griffith University

An ancient Australian connection to India?

When was the remote Australian continent first settled? Where did these ancient Australians come from? Was the island settled once, or on multiple occasions? Is there a genealogical connection between…


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