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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 1841 - 1860 of 4200 articles

By the time young people get to university, it’s far too late to be initiating education on sexual consent. Shutterstock

Making sexual consent matter: one-off courses are unlikely to help

Some Australian universities have introduced a one-off sexual consent program to combat sexual assault and harassment on campus, but one-off programs are unlikely to be effective in the long term.
When a pain signal gets to the brain, it lets your brain know there’s a big problem so we can respond. AAP Image/DAN PELED

Curious Kids: How does pain medicine work in the body?

In short, pain medicine is able to block the processes that cause the feeling of pain. To understand why, you need to know a bit about how pain works.
Despite billions spent on trying to save water in the Murray Darling Basin, results have been disappointing. John Williams

The Murray Darling Basin Plan is not delivering – there’s no more time to waste

A dozen leading researchers have issued an urgent call to action for the Murray-Darling Basin, arguing that the billions spent on water-efficient irrigation have done little for the rivers’ health.
AEC disclosures revealed Malcolm Turnbull to be the single biggest donor to a political party in 2016-17. AAP/Dan Peled

The truth about political donations: there is so much we don’t know

The annual February festival of lampooning the largest visible donor lulls Australians into a false sense of security that there is a functioning political donations disclosure regime in place.
Scientists discovered some bacteria can cut the DNA of invading viruses as a defence mechanism. They realised they could use this to cut human DNA.

What is CRISPR gene editing, and how does it work?

CRISPR harnesses the natural defence mechanisms of some bacteria to cut human DNA strands. Then the DNA strand either heals itself or we inject new DNA to mend the gap. This is gene editing.


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