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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 1761 - 1780 of 4200 articles

Inflexible structures of higher education and competing demands related to settlement often make transition difficult for refugees, despite their desire to work hard. Shutterstock

Universities need to do more to support refugee students

Without developing a better understanding of the challenges refugee students face, we run the risk of further disadvantaging refugee students in Australia.
A public barbecue in Lyndhurst, New South Wales, does the job but could be so much better. Mattinbgn/Wikimedia

The public barbie, an Aussie icon frozen in time

The need for public cooking facilities has long been recognised, but why has the basic public barbecue failed to evolve along with Australians, their lifestyles and the foods they eat?
Governments have all but abandoned the commitments made a decade ago when Kevin Rudd launched a national campaign to reduce homelessness. Dean Lewins/AAP

Homelessness: Australia’s shameful story of policy complacency and failure continues

A decade after the launch of a national campaign against homelessness, the trends are all going the wrong way. A new annual report highlights what’s gone wrong and what must be done.
Attending an elite university appears to play a comparatively small role in determining a graduate’s starting salary. Shutterstock

Does it pay to graduate from an ‘elite’ university? Not as much as you’d think

Attending an elite university plays a small role in an undergraduate’s starting salary compared to other factors, such as high ATAR, the field of study they chose and the region in which they work.
Timing tricks help politicians avoid dealing with the substance of their policies. That isn’t going to change any time soon. Cindy Zhi

Government timing tricks hide the real budget story

It seems that timing tricks are now a thing in Australian politics. Revenues are brought forward and spending pushed back for cosmetic effect.


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