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Vanderbilt University

Founded in 1873 as an institution that would “contribute to strengthening the ties that should exist between all sections of our common country,” Vanderbilt University is globally renowned for its transformative education and pathbreaking research. The university’s 10 schools reside on a parklike campus set in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, contributing to a collaborative culture that empowers leaders of tomorrow and prizes free expression, open inquiry and civil discourse.

Top-ranked in both academics and financial aid, Vanderbilt offers an immersive residential undergraduate experience, with programs in the liberal arts and sciences, engineering, music, education and human development. The university also is home to nationally and internationally recognized graduate schools of law, education, business, medicine, nursing and divinity, and offers robust graduate-degree programs across a range of academic disciplines. Vanderbilt’s prominent alumni base includes Nobel Prize winners, members of Congress, governors, ambassadors, judges, admirals, CEOs, university presidents, physicians, attorneys, and professional sports figures.

Vanderbilt and the affiliated nonprofit Vanderbilt University Medical Center frequently engage in interdisciplinary collaborations to drive positive change across society at large. The two entities recently reached a combined total of more than $1 billion in external research funding in a single year. This landmark achievement reflects the university’s deep commitment to expanding the global impact of its innovation and research as it increases opportunities for faculty, students and staff to pursue bold new ideas and discoveries.


Displaying 181 - 200 of 309 articles

Trump’s historic meeting with North Korea dictator Kim Jung Un on June 12, 2018, in Singapore. Trump recently told a crowd that the two leaders ‘fell in love.’ Evan Vucci/AP Photo

Personal diplomacy has long been a presidential tactic, but Trump adds a twist

Meeting with heads of state has become routine for presidents, but Trump’s way with words and gestures rattles many in the diplomatic community. The biggest concern is his sweet talk to dictators.
A mix of fats, such as those found in nuts, avocados, salmon and olives, could be healthy and more satisfying. Craevschii Family/

Let them eat more fat? Researcher argues that a balance of types of fat is the key

When did eating become so confusing? In the 1960s, studies began to show a link between heart disease and dietary fat, and fat was demonized. As it turns out, fat is nuanced and may not be so bad.
T.M. Landry College Prep co-founders Tracey and Michael Landry have stepped down from the school’s board as authorities investigate a wide range of allegations against the school, from academic fraud to physical abuse. T.M. Landry College Prep

How T.M. Landry College Prep failed black families

T.M. Landry College Prep, facing allegations of abuse, is known for getting students from poor backgrounds into Ivy League schools. An education scholar says the school’s focus was misplaced.
Una vez que la gente llegue allí, Marte se contaminará con vida terrestre. NASA/Pat Rawlings, SAIC

Colonizar Marte significa contaminar Marte

¿Por qué los humanos estamos dispuestos a pasar por alto el riesgo que supone para la vida marciana la exploración y colonización del planeta rojo?
The split gill mushroom Schizophyllum commune, a fungal species that includes more than 20,000 sexes. Bernard Spragg

Where sexes come by the thousands

There is more to sex than male and female. For some species there are hundreds and even thousands of sexes and mating types.
Shutterstock / Gaelfphoto

Por qué se nos da fatal verificar la información

Los psicólogos cognitivos conocen la forma en la que trabaja nuestra mente. No sólo no nos damos cuenta de los errores y la información que sabemos falsa, sino que también la recordamos como cierta.
Scientists are now using evolution to create designer proteins for therapies and industrial processes. Johan Jarnestad / The Royal Academy of Sciences

2018 Nobel Prize for chemistry goes to scientists who learned to ‘hack’ evolution in the lab

Nature doesn’t always make the things we need so three Nobel Prize winners figured out how to fast-track evolution in the lab to create medicines, biofuels and industrial chemicals for modern life.
Harry Potter books have captured the imaginations of entire generations. Clark Jones/Courtesy of Scholastic, Inc./AP

Why I use Harry Potter to teach a college course on child development

A developmental psychologist explains how she uses Harry Potter books to make child development more relatable to first-year college students, many of whom grew up on the wildly popular books.


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