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West Virginia University

WVU’s mission is to deliver high-quality education, excel in discovery and innovation, model a culture of diversity and inclusion, promote health and vitality, and build pathways for the exchange of knowledge and opportunity between the state, the nation, and the world.

Their vision is to, by 2020 to attain national research prominence, thereby enhancing educational achievement, global engagement, diversity, and the vitality and well-being of the people of West Virginia.


Displaying 141 - 160 of 217 articles

Prayers outside the Tree of Life synagogue. Reuters/Cathal McNaughton

How safe is your place of worship?

A national survey of over 1,300 congregations found that religious leaders struggle to balance security concerns with carrying out a mission to be open to the communities they serve.
Facilitated discussions about math can help kids learn. PanyaStudio/

Why students need more ‘math talk’

Most math classrooms feature a teacher lecturing and students quietly working on problems. But research shows that a different approach would lead to better results.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidente electo de México. AP Photo/Marco Ugarte

Estas estrategias eficaces en redes sociales impulsan victoria de los políticos ‘anti-establishment

Las campañas electorales de Andrés Manuel López Obrador y Donald Trump revelan cómo sus simpatizantes operaron en línea para ayudar a sus candidatos y derrotar el statu quo político desde afuera.
MNBB Studio / Shutterstock

Trabajador 4.0 = humano + tecnología

Los humanos seguiremos siendo necesarios en las fábricas, incluso cuando los robots sean algo habitual. Los futuros trabajadores contarán con soporte técnico y serán más fuertes, más inteligentes y estarán constantemente conectados.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R.-S.C., left, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pictured Sept. 26, 2017 before the vote on Graham’s bill to gut Obamacare. Like others before it, the bill failed. Andrew Harnik/AP

Short-term health plans: A junk solution to a real problem

The Trump administration’s latest effort to undermine the Affordable Care Act is the expansion of short-term insurance plans. But these shorter plans are also short on real benefits.
For many, the job of a pilot has lost its luster. Emilian Danaila/

The US is facing a serious shortage of airline pilots

Over the last three decades, the number of US pilots has decreased by 30 percent. That problem is only going to get worse as demand increases.
A biker rides his Harley-Davidson during a parade in Germany. Reuters/Fabian Bimmer

Why it doesn’t matter if a Harley is ‘made in America’

The motorcycle maker angered Trump after it said it plans to move some production overseas to avoid EU tariffs – just a few months after the president praised the company for being a ‘true American icon.’
Naloxone is often used to revive people overdosing from opioids. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Why genetics makes some people more vulnerable to opioid addiction – and protects others

Scientists are just starting to understand how your parents’ genes and experiences might shape your own susceptibility to dangerous drugs. Could that help to stop addictions before they start?


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