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Articles on Free markets

Displaying 1 - 20 of 30 articles

President Ronald Reagan, shown here speaking in Moscow in 1980, was an early adopter of neoliberalism in the U.S. Dirck Halstead/Liaison

What is neoliberalism? A political scientist explains the use and evolution of the term

The word ‘neoliberal’ gets thrown around a lot, often with differing and even contradictory meanings. Here, a political economist explains the origins and evolution of this complex concept.
If we want economics to appeal to young Australians, it needs to move away from theory and towards tackling some of the trickiest issues faced by the next generation.

Economics needs to get real if we want more young Australians to study it

For economics to play a more helpful, critical role, it must abandon blind faith in the free market and embrace the social, historical, and environmental context in which economics actually happens.
A worker answers a telephone in the office of pro-Brexit group Leave.EU in London, February 2016. REUTERS/Neil Hall

Brexit rooted more in elite politics than mass resentment

The history of Britain’s vote to exit from the European Union, known as Brexit, is not a tale of populist resentment toward globalization. It is a top-down story of leaders and elite ideology.
The HECS system is a hybrid policy approach that ensures Australian universities remain accessible while funding remains sustainable. Dean Lewins/AAP

Market v government? In fact, hybrid policy is the best fit for the 21st century

From the 20th-century process of policy trial and error, the nations that married the strengths of markets and government came out ahead.
The United States and Australia should abandon the TPP and focus their efforts on trade deals that take a prudent approach to market access. Mark Kauzlarich/Reuters

Why Trump is right, and wrong, about killing off the TPP

The United States and other countries are right to reject the TPP, but President-elect Donald Trump’s claims about it are misguided.
Libertarian candidate for president Gary Johnson. Jay Westcott/via AP

Libertarian economics: A philosophical critique

Are the Libertarians a viable alternative to Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? A political philosopher who studies economic justice looks at the platform.

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