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Articles on Gordon Brown

Displaying 1 - 20 of 29 articles

Former PM Gordon Brown says more than 3 million children born after 2010 live in poverty. Victoria Jones/PA Images/Alamy

Gordon Brown wants £3 billion for the ‘austerity generation’. But the UK needs a more enduring solution

Targeting benefits at the most vulnerable sounds like good sense – but a wider support system could be more effective at tackling poverty.
What happens when it doesn’t add up? EPA/Daniel Deme

How negotiations over a hung parliament might work in 2015

Britain is now in full general election countdown mode – and the polls indicate another hung parliament is the most likely outcome on May 7. Gus O’Donnell, the former cabinet secretary, recently reflected…
Did Brown really build Britain’s future? EPA

Was the Gordon Brown government really that bad?

In the week Gordon Brown announced he will stand down from his Westminster constituency at the May 2015 general election, two central observations come to mind. From the Brown government to its Cameron-Clegg…
Brown was undoubtedly a big beast, but could have been so much more. 10 Downing Street

Gordon Brown: political giant and wasted talent at the same time

Gordon Brown will retire from the Commons viewed on the one hand as a giant of Scottish Labour who spent 13 years at the pinnacle of frontline UK politics as chancellor and prime minister: the son of the…

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