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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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The problem with those seeking more English powers is that they’re not working together. Samuel Borges Photography

Campaigners for more English powers are missing a trick

The repercussions of the Scottish independence referendum were always likely to be profound, whoever won. As Scotland waits to see if Westminster can meet its deadline for producing draft legislation for…
The power of the pen has never been more evident. EPA

When ‘free speech’ becomes a kind of fundamentalism

The shock and sadness caused by the horrific events in Paris are quickly being translated into passionate professions of faith in free speech. Cartoonists, journalists and the wider public are all proclaiming…
Cultural icon, legal headache. That Hartford Guy

Courthouse Rock: Elvis’s legal legacy at 80

When asked in 1977 what he would do now that Elvis was dead, his manager Colonel Parker allegedly replied: “Why, I’ll just go right on managing him!”. In Parker’s mind, neither Elvis’ name, image, likeness…
Supporters of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo have gathered following the fatal attack. Photo:

Charlie Hebdo offends – and we must defend its right to do so

The motive behind the tragic shootings at the headquarters of satirical weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris has not yet been confirmed but it seems clear that there is a link between the publication’s…
Anti-Islamic protesters on the march in Berlin. Bernd Von Jutrczenka/EPA

Behind the rise of Germany’s anti-Islamic street movement

A rally in Dresden has attracted some 18,000 people, all marching under the banner of Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident. The sudden appeal of this group, known as PEGIDA, has…
Go to war - but who’s holding the reins? Activision

What Call of Duty can tell us about US foreign policy

The latest instalment of wildly popular videogame Call of Duty, Advanced Warfare, shows the narratives of today’s games can reveal the motives behind real-world politics. Over the past decade, fictional…
Ed’s Scottish banana skin. Peter Byrne/PA

Labour really does face a tough battle in Scotland

May’s general election is widely being viewed as one of the most unpredictable in living memory. Yet there is one prediction that can probably be safely made – the campaign in Scotland will be a very distinct…
4 million houses is how many chocolate Hob Nobs? Peter Byrne/PA Wire

When Miliband comes a-knocking, will anyone be home?

Ed Miliband has kicked off the 2015 election campaign with a new strategy. He’ll be shunning glossy advertising to meet people at their doors. But it’s already clear that he will have to fight to be heard…
William III’s ascent to the throne spurred the genesis of human rights. Wikimedia Commons

Calls for a new UK bill of rights forget the trailblazing original

David Cameron is riding into the 2015 election campaign with a promise to finally fulfil one of the Conservatives’ 2010 manifesto commitments: to repeal the 1998 Human Rights Act, restore the sovereignty…
See no evil, speak no evil is next year’s Keep Calm and Carry On. Julian Tysoe

Why 2015 is gearing up to be the year of censorship

India’s government has displeased many internet users by blocking access to some major websites at the start of the new year. A total of 32 sites were blocked, although sanctions have been lifted from…
Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras is odds-on favourite to emerge as the next prime minister in Greece. EPA/Orestis Panagiotou

Syriza surges ahead of January election as Greek voters reject austerity

The snap election called in Greece for January 25 has renewed speculation about the country’s uncertain future as left-of-centre Syriza looks likely to capitalise on the unprecedented unpopularity of the…