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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 9826 - 9850 of 11563 articles

A protest in front of the Ministry of Defence in Kiev. EPA/Roman Pilipey

West beats the drum for war while Russia plays games in Ukraine

In recent weeks, eastern Ukraine’s Russian-backed rebels have won several military victories on the battlefield in the Ukrainian Donbas. First they captured the virtually destroyed Donetsk airport, then…
You never know what you’ll find when you rifle through a box of war diaries. PA

Digital records take something precious from military history

Digital networks and databases appear to crush historical distance. Archives of war increasingly come to us. A simple YouTube search throws up a chaotic mix of official and unauthorised, user-generated…
Leanne Wood will lead Plaid Cymru into key electoral battles this year and next. Nick Ansell/PA Wire

Can Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru turn its fortunes around?

The nationalist agenda has sprung to the fore in UK politics over the past few years – largely due to Scotland’s referendum in 2014 putting independence firmly on the agenda. Both the Scottish National…
Poll results worth drinking to. Steve Parsons/PA Wire

As election campaign kicks off, UKIP is setting the agenda

At the launch of Labour’s election campaign in Manchester, Ed Miliband accused the prime minister, David Cameron, of playing “risky and irresponsible games” with the EU. Exit, he argued, would be a “dramatic…
Some people are pretty hacked off with the lack of press accountability in Britain. Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire

Hold the front page – UK might get a press watchdog with teeth

As criminal trials proceed against more journalists for alleged corrupt payments to public officials, and more evidence emerges about industrial-scale phone hacking at Mirror Group newspapers, The Sun…
They might seem similar on the face of it, but they have big differences in social policy. Chris Jackson/PA Wire

New report outlines lessons from the coalition’s social policy record

My colleagues and I marked 100 days to the next general election by publishing a suite of reports comprehensively documenting the social policy record of the current coalition government, as we have done…
Eugene de Kock pictured with film maker Jann Turner. George Hallett

Prime Evil: why South Africa is releasing Eugene De Kock

The release of Eugene de Kock, former commander of the notorious Vlakplaas counterinsurgency unit responsible for numerous clandestine assassinations in apartheid South Africa, raises a number of critical…
Will King Salman continue where Abdullah left off? EPA

Explainer: what is Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia?

The death of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has stirred debate about the future direction of the world’s richest Arab state. That direction will be significantly coloured by how his brother and successor…
Families with children are hit hardest by the policy. Nick Potts/PA Archive

The benefits cap doesn’t work – here’s why

David Cameron has announced plans to reduce the annual benefits cap from £26,000 to £23,000 per year if the Conservative Party wins the general election in May. He argues that the cap saved public money…