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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 9901 - 9925 of 11563 articles

Miriam O'Reilly, who successfully sued the BBC for age discrimination. Yui Mok/PA Archive

House of Lords wakes up to sexism in the newsroom

I have spent the past 20 years researching and writing about women in the media. This was initially sparked off by how I was reported on when I stood as a councillor, with more attention paid to my Doc…
Miliband is fighting a grassroots campaign - but will it push Labour over the line? Nick Ansell/PA Wire

Hard Evidence: does door-to-door campaigning work?

With the 2015 General Election set for May 7, Britain’s political parties have lost no time in stepping up their campaign activities. The country faces four months of intense electioneering, as the parties…
Abandon hope? The former Abu Ghraib prison. EPA/Khampha Bouaphanh

The US has no excuse not to prosecute CIA torturers

Ever since the US Senate’s devastating report into the CIA interrogation practices, which concluded the agency’s conduct amounted to torture, the debate over how to punish those responsible has gone unanswered…
Disillusioned young people are being conned into fighting for a global army. EPA

Why jihadism appeals to religiously illiterate loners

After killing 12 people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, brothers Chérif and Saïd Kouachi were heard proclaiming, “we have avenged the Prophet Muhammad”. Amateur footage also revealed the killers invoking…
Scene of an earlier clash between government and Boko Haram forces. EPA/Deji Yake

Baga devastated: a horror story, however many people died

The recent fall of the town of Baga, north-eastern Nigeria, to Boko Haram is one of the militant group’s most serious assaults against the Nigerian state. The consequences are severe: it claims heavy civilian…
French police storm the Jewish supermarket where hostages were held. Ian Langsdon/EPA

Charlie Hebdo attackers killed, now France seeks answers

The hunt for the two killers who attacked the offices of Charlie Hebdo is over, after a three-day chase and a standoff at a warehouse outside Paris. The two suspects were killed, and the hostage they took…
Stéphane Charbonnier (Charb) lost his life in the Paris shooting. thierry ehrmann

In praise of the cartoonist – solitary, studious and searing

They think and work differently, cartoonists. Anyone who has spent any time in an editorial office will know that cartoonists dream and draw on their own, working to the rhythm of their thoughts – if they…