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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 10001 - 10025 of 11563 articles

Dark dealings in Italy’s capital. Rosino

Politicians fiddling while Rome burns?

Italian politics has been rocked by a scandal in the country’s capital. Politicians stand accused of working within a pervasive and wide-reaching criminal network dubbed “Mafia Capitale” to skim money…
They’re everywhere! Peter Byrne/PA Wire

UKIP isn’t the only party failing women

UKIP has not had a good week when it comes to women. Nigel Farage kicked things off by suggesting that mothers should think twice about breastfeeding in public, managing to offend a rather large proportion…
Secrets out? EPA/Dennis Brack

Senate CIA torture report release: expert reaction

The US Senate has released the executive summary of a long-withheld report on harsh interrogation techniques used by the CIA in the post-9/11 era. Previously undisclosed techniques have been revealed and…
Salmond sets out to march on London once more. Thierry Ehrmann

Exactly why does Alex Salmond want to return to Westminster?

Alex Salmond’s confirmation that he will contest the general election in 2015 completes what must count as one of the shortest retirements in British political history. While the pro-independence campaign…
Have walkies policies won over the canine community? Gareth Fuller/PA Wire

Bye bye swivel eyes: how UKIP transformed to woo the masses

As UKIP makes parliamentary gains at every turn, it no longer seems possible to dismiss the party as a group of anti-EU obsessives that has little in common with mainstream politics. The days of the swivel-eyed…
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has been forced back on the campaign trail. Bengt Nyman

Snap election in Sweden proves power of anti-immigration party

Just three months after its last general election, Sweden is to hold another ballot – the first time such a snap poll has been called in the country since 1958. Sweden’s prime minister, Stefan Löfven…