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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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We need to bear a few things in mind before we listen too closely to Oxfam. Christian Guthier

Oxfam should beware idealistic solutions to complex problems

Oxfam is making what might appear to be a manifestly sound moral case when it urges political leaders at the global economic conference at Davos to adopt particular policies to reduce economic inequality…
10 years on from UK FoI laws, the keyhole looks to be getting smaller. Mopic

The future of freedom of information looks far from certain

In the UK, thanks to the freedom of information (FoI) laws, the right to know has become routine. Ten years old this month, freedom of information laws have enabled us to inspect a public document, obtain…
Time to take a chance on the European model? De rödgröna/Wikimedia Commons

UKIP is Britain’s most European party – no, really

Don’t tell them this, but UKIP are the most European party out there. Britain’s democracy is increasingly diverse and complex, and with the growth of UKIP on the right and the Greens on the left its political…
Looking sheepish: Churchill addresses the Tories after the 1945 loss. PA

How Winston Churchill lost the 1945 election

Winston Churchill is remembered as a highly successful politician, but his record at the ballot box was far more chequered than many might think. Churchill, in fact, failed to win a seat in five of the…
Westminster: a cradle of democracy? Tim Ireland/PA Wire

Why the UK has little to celebrate on Democracy Day

The BBC is marking 750 years since the first elected parliament at Westminster with a dedicated “Democracy Day”. Though Westminster is recognised as the cradle of representative democracy, there are indications…
The well-respected Chadian military has entered Cameroon. EPA

At last, a show of force tips odds against Boko Haram

Suspected Boko Haram militants have attacked Northern Cameroon in another escalation of their now regional war against Nigeria, Cameron, Chad and Niger. In a cross-border attack, the militants kidnapped…
International businesses thrive on Haitian labour. EPA

A new government in Haiti, but foreign interest still rules

Former dictator Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier may be dead and buried, but real democracy remains a very distant prospect in Haiti. After ongoing failures to hold elections that should have taken place…
Murray is offering a British moon on a British stick. Joel Ryan/AP/Press Association Images

Could the Pub Landlord really call time on Nigel Farage?

There is much to ponder about comedian Al Murray’s decision to run in the British general election. Murray – as his Pub Landlord character – will stand against UKIP’s Nigel Farage in the constituency of…
Belgian security forces patrol near the Jewish museum in Brussels. EPA/Julien Warnand

Much soul searching as Belgium confronts terror at home

Even as the world was still trying to make sense of the Paris attacks, attention suddenly shifted towards Brussels with the news that two suspected jihadis had been killed in a police anti-terror raid…
Louise Mensch was one of the first single-termers to leave our current parliament. Stefan Wermuth/PA Archive

The arrival (and departure) of the parliamentary single-termers

All university admissions tutors know about single-termers. They are those students – some badly advised and intellectually bewildered, others more devious – who decide around mid-November that they want…