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Politics + Society – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 10201 - 10225 of 11563 articles

By the skin of their teeth: Ed Miliband and Liz McInnes. Lynne Cameron/PA Wire

Humiliated party leaders still can’t deal with the UKIP threat

“Something big is happening here.” Those were the words of Nigel Farage following the news that Douglas Carswell had become UKIP’s first member of parliament by attracting 21,113 votes in the Clacton by-election…
Language is an important issue for chairwomen and male chairwomen alike. Shutterstock chairs

Pull up a chair, we need to talk about sexist language at work

With the arrival of the first woman to head the BBC Trust, a perennially tricky question is once again causing awkwardness. Rona Fairhead took the helm of the trust on October 9, but is she be a chairwoman…
Fixating on the voting age won’t fix the system. Shutterstock polling station

We’re not ready to lower the voting age to 16 yet

The case for lowering the voting age to 16 in the UK would appear to have been strengthened by the resonance of young people in the Scottish referendum. But excitement over this issue masks a deeper problem…
Fight the power. EPA/Dennis M. Sabangan

Hong Kong protesters have sights set on global problems

Complaints about the supposed political apathy of todays’ students are not uncommon among middle-aged professors. Historian [Mark Lilla](](…
“Just as long as we don’t have to call it The Nicola and David Show.” Andrew Milligan/PA

Could the Scottish National Party join the next UK government?

After the 2010 UK election, some individuals urged Labour to try to form a rainbow-style coalition with the smaller parties in the House of Commons. According to the maths, several potential groupings…