AI will not become sentient and decide to kill us all. But our own conscious or unconscious beliefs about AI can potentially increase the likelihood of any outcome, including catastrophic ones.
The Turing test, first proposed in 1950 by Alan Turing, was framed as a test that could supposedly tell us whether an AI system could ‘think’ like a human.
In the age of AI, people might wonder if there’s anything computers can’t do. The answer is yes. In fact, there are numerous problems that are beyond the reach of even the most powerful computers.
It’s time we embrace the true meaning of the word ‘reparations'—this isn’t just about giving people money, it’s about offering apologies and taking account for previous mistakes.
Brain functions integrate and compress multiple components of an experience, including sight and smell – which simply can’t be handled in the way computers sense, process and store data.
Some people claim it’s already been passed. But Alan Turing’s test of whether artificial intelligence can act like a human remains an important benchmark for our species.
Several outstanding women were nominated, but Rainbow Murray, an adviser to the series, says the public vote showed how we’re still more inclined to recognise male achievement.