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Articles on Alcohol

Displaying 401 - 420 of 532 articles

During post-war British rationing, Australians ensured the tradition of Christmas puddings survived. Victor Bayon

How Christmas pudding evolved with Australia

In a current TV advertisement for supermarket chain Aldi, a young traveller returns to his northern hemisphere village and shares his newfound knowledge of the Aussie Christmas. The villagers begrudgingly…
Challenging the culture of male violence at night is just as important – if not more so – than the criminal law’s response to the issue. AAP/David Crosling

Addressing male violence at night requires a cultural shift

The recent killing of 21-year-old Melbourne University student Joshua Hardy is another tragic story of unprovoked, alcohol-fuelled male violence in our community. It is an issue that has animated significant…
On the lash in Germany, 500 years ago. Barthel Beham, ‘Village Fair’ (German single-leaf woodcut, c. 1530).

Hard Evidence: how much did our ancestors drink – and are we drinking more?

Autumn is awash with alcohol, and not just because of the new vintage. Oktoberfest plays a part, too, the 16-day festival in Munich that we associate with massive beer mugs and plenty of debauchery. Its…
Getting high on own supply. Dance by Shutterstock

To reduce drug-related harm, it’s time to be honest about the pleasure

Despite the language we use about drugs, many people don’t see themselves as “drug users” but as rational adults who aren’t on a mission to seek moral disintegration and cause themselves harm. People who…
There is growing evidence that alcohol increases the risk of certain types of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Anders Adermark/Flickr

Time to warn drinkers about the risk of cancer

Australians have become accustomed to labels on cigarettes warning about the risk of smoking causing cancer and other diseases. And our research, published in the latest edition of BMC Public Health, shows…
Rates of co-occurring substance use and mental disorders are particularly high among marginalised groups such as homeless people. glowcake Berlin/Flickr

The perfect storm: alcohol, drugs, and depression

Robin Williams’ death earlier this week has unleashed an outpouring of grief. It’s undeniable that Williams brought much joy and laughter to the world, but he also talked openly about his depression and…
The number of hospitalisations and deaths caused by alcohol in Australia has increased by 62% in a decade. VILevi/Shutterstock

Australia’s daily alcohol toll: 15 deaths and 430 hospitalisations

Chronic disease and injury caused by alcohol has significantly increased over a decade, causing 15 deaths and 430 hospitalisations each day in Australia, according to a new report. The VicHealth and Foundation…
They may not cure your cold but they’ll will help you forget your miseries. Drew Leavy/Flickr

Health Check: a hot toddy for the winter chill

Feeling miserable? Is your nose blocked and your throat sore? If not, it will be sometime this winter, probably at least a couple of times. And then someone will probably say at your low ebb that “you…
Low to moderate consumption of alcohol increases your risk of cancer but reduces your risk of heart disease. giannisl/Flickr

How much alcohol is OK? Balancing risks and benefits

For many of us, alcohol is an enjoyable backdrop to life: wine with dinner, beers with friends, a glass of bubbly to celebrate a special occasion, or nip of something heavier to unwind after a long day…
The responsibility to prevent unwanted sexual attention in licensed venues lies with everyone. Adam Radosavljevic/Shutterstock

Sexual violence in pubs and clubs: just a normal night out?

Unwanted sexual behaviour is becoming a normal part of a night out for women, with many reporting they experience anything from comments to groping and sexual assault. Sexual violation of the kind reported…
Healthy or harmful? Matthew Rogers

Health Check: does alcohol have medicinal properties?

Since the late Stone Age, people have been drinking alcohol to help them feel better. For the most part, this has been in order to “remember their misery no more” (Proverbs 31:6-7). But it’s widely believed…

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