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Articles on Alcohol

Displaying 441 - 460 of 532 articles

Slow motion version. Sevitz

#neknomination: the internet has changed drinking games

Neknomination seems to have begun as a UK university phenomenon in 2012, but more recently burst into wider public consciousness in Australia, then South Africa and Canada. It has also been tragically…
Urban areas have historically been the winners in terms of heavy drinking but the picture has changes. Brian/Flickr

We drink in the town and country, but who drinks more?

So you’re back from up the country, Mister Lawson, where you went, And you’re cursing all the business in a bitter discontent; Well, we grieve to disappoint you, and it makes us sad to hear, That it wasn’t…
I wouldn’t say Dr No to another drink. Pineapples101

The name’s Bond, James Bond … and I’m an alcoholic

James Bond might have been been more shaken than stirred if his intake of alcoholic drinks is anything to go by. Along with his love of women, Bond also had a keen taste for martinis. And researchers have…
Most young people expect to engage in a number of risky activities at schoolies. Image from

Sex, drugs and alcohol: what really goes on at schoolies?

After finishing year 12, more than 50,000 young Australians attend schoolies celebrations, with most ending up on the Gold Coast. Other schoolies (or “leavers”, as they’re known in Western Australia) head…
How do we deal with people who use a night out as an excuse for a fight? Flickr/Anamorphic Mike

Itching for a fight: the motives behind alcohol-fuelled violence

This weekend, yet another violent assault has reminded us of the need to curb alcohol-related violence in public spaces. For most students, schoolies week means a trip away from home to celebrate the end…
Schoolies are built on huge demand – and high expectations. AAP/Dean Saffron

Schoolies, toolies and foolies – in the market for a rite of passage

It’s that time of year again: schoolies – that institution where school leavers (schoolies) disappear for a couple of weeks to a beachside resort to engage in all types of shenanigans, both legal and otherwise…
Doctors and scientists are encouraging school leavers to party safe this schoolies week. AAP

Using new hospital toolies to help Gold Coast schoolies

For the first time, Gold Coast hospitals are preparing for schoolies using technology to predict when drunk and injured teens will need help. With over 28,000 school leavers about to descend on the Gold…
Drinkers who consume energy drinks record higher breath alcohol concentrations than those who don’t. Flickr/thewhitestdogalive

Think alcohol and energy drinks are nothing to worry about? Think again

Heavy drinkers are mixing alcohol with energy drinks to enable them to drink longer and get more drunk. While the trend is concerning many public health researchers – because the risks remain unknown…
One drink too many. Gareth Fuller/PA

Walkabout tops list for serving drunk revellers in Cardiff

It’s a familiar scene across many towns and cities on a Friday and Saturday night - revellers in full swing, up for a night of drinking and dancing. But a few hours later another picture starts to emerge…
The Australian government appears to be contemplating signing a version of the agreement that would restrict its power to apply strong health warnings to alcohol products. camknows/Flickr

Trans-Pacific Partnership rules could block alcohol warnings

New rules for alcohol labelling were discussed in Malaysia earlier this week by countries negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The proposed rules could stymie the introduction of effective health…
Brits need to clean up their act when travelling overseas. Flickr: wanderinghome

Brits behaving badly: new report details travel troubles

Deaths, arrests, missing passports, hospitalisations, rapes and sexual assaults - it’s holiday season and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has published its annual report on British behaviour…
To assess the risk of a schizophrenic attack, we try to work out the risk of a rare event in a bunch of people with a mixed bag of symptoms. Flickr/daniellehelm

Are you really at risk of attack by someone with schizophrenia?

A violent attack by someone who is mentally ill quickly grabs the headlines. And it’s usually implied that mental illnesses are a preventable cause of violent crime. Tackle that and we can all sleep safer…

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