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Articles on Anti-Semitism

Displaying 1 - 20 of 97 articles

This spread reproduces images that appeared in the first issue of the llustrierter Beobachter, a Nazi publication, in July 1926, including one cropped image that falsely gives the impression that a Nazi event was well attended. Public domain

A Nazi magazine regularly published manipulated photos and misinformation, long before the age of AI

The Nazis routinely shared altered photos in their official publication, the Illustrierter Beobachter, causing readers to question what was real or fake.
A scene from Shakespeare’s play ‘Othello.’ Universal History Archive/ Getty Images

What Shakespeare can teach us about racism

Considered the greatest writer in English literature, William Shakespeare illustrates views on race and whiteness throughout all of his dramatic works.
NYPD police officers march onto Columbia University’s campus in New York City on April 30, 2024. Kena Betancur/AFP via Getty Images

Why universities turn to the police to end student protests − and why that can spiral out of control

While most colleges and universities have their own police units, some schools, like Columbia University, have only private security − and then can call in outside police when they feel it is needed.
The Boerneplatz synagogue in flames on Nov. 10, 1938, during the ‘Night of Broken Glass’ in Frankfurt, Germany. History/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Kristallnacht, 85 years ago, marks the point Hitler moved from an emotional antisemitism to a systematic antisemitism of laws and government violence

The violence of the 1938 pogrom against Jews in Nazi Germany known as Kristallnacht was a turning point in Hitler’s ‘Final Solution.’
It’s been 75 years since Palestinians were first expelled from their homeland. Here, people from Tantura as they were relocated to Jordan, June 1948. (Benno Rothenberg/Meitar Collection/National Library of Israel/The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection)

Will a UN resolution to commemorate the expulsion of Palestinians from their lands change the narrative? — Listen

The UN’s resolution to recognize Nakba Day on May 15, to mark the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in 1948, helps to acknowledge past traumas but does the resolution have other implications?
It’s one thing to agree to combat antisemitism. It’s another thing to agree on what it means. goglik83/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Antisemitism isn’t just ‘Jew-hatred’ – it’s anti-Jewish racism

Combatting antisemitism isn’t just about ‘calling it out’ – it’s about helping people understand what antisemitism is in the first place.
In her efforts to build a new relationship with the Catholic Church, Queen Elizabeth II had interactions with several pontiffs. She is seen here with Pope John Paul II. AP Photo/Alessandro Bianchi, Pool, File

Queen Elizabeth II ascended to the throne at a time of deep religious divisions and worked to bring tolerance

Queen Elizabeth II encouraged tolerance in a multifaith United Kingdom. To appreciate the significance of her efforts, it is important to understand the country’s complicated religious history.
Jewish deportees march through the German town of Würzburg to the railroad station on April 25, 1942. US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration

Unknown Holocaust photos – found in attics and archives – are helping researchers recover lost stories and providing a tool against denial

Holocaust scholars long relied on documents and survivor testimonies to help reconstruct the history of that tragic event. Now, they’re turning to wordless witnesses to learn more: pictures.

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