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Articles on Cancer

Displaying 701 - 720 of 878 articles

Melanoma risk has genetic basis in redheads

A gene mutation responsible for red hair and pale skin is also attributed to risk of melanoma. An international study found…
These data will greatly advance our ability to identify cancers with the same or similar origins. Image from

Cancer ‘signatures’ offer hope for treatment and prevention

Research published in the journal Nature overnight describes the mutations that make cancer cells grow faster than ordinary cells. These “mutational signatures” don’t just open up avenues for better cancer…
A good yarn: chromosomes are shared out to dividing cells by mitotic spindles. Triesquid

‘Mitotic spindles’ could help develop better chemo drugs

Cells use a tiny machine called the mitotic spindle to share genetic material equally between cells when they divide. But when this process goes wrong it can lead to cancer. For many years we’ve been interested…
The predictive tool might help women make decisions about changing their lifestyle. Image from

Tool to predict women’s cancer risk could prompt lifestyle changes

Researchers in the United States have developed a new model to predict women’s risk of developing breast, uterine and ovarian cancer, based on individual lifestyle factors. These three cancers make up…
How to best employ combinatorial optimisation for health and wellbeing … ay, there’s the rub! Central Sussex College

Shakespeare and cancer diagnoses: how bard can it be?

Shakespeare’s plays and cancer: two seemingly unrelated topics with an underlying common thread. The techniques that computational linguistics and computer scientists use to analyse the Bard’s works are…
Cancer cells face a new, tiny enemy. Dr Cecil Fox

Sticking it to big pharma with crowdfunded nanotech

Students at the University of York are challenging what they see as the closed worlds of nanotechnology and healthcare by crowdsourcing funds to produce a new type of treatment for cancer using magnetic…
A bit too big for your average hospital. Ars Electronica

Explainer: what is proton therapy?

When you stand in the 27km-long Large Hadron Collider tunnel deep under Switzerland and France it looks as if the chain of blue magnets simply stretches off to infinity. So when people talk about putting…
Don’t go by looks. Smithsonian's National Zoo

Cancer immunity of strange underground rat revealed

Researchers have discovered how one of the world’s oddest mammals developed resistance to cancer, and there is hope that their work could help fight the disease in humans. Naked mole rats live underground…
Angelina Jolie has a double mastectomy after discovering she carried a mutation of the BRAC1 gene. Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire

Supreme Court BRCA patenting decision: experts respond

Millions of women in the US will have access to affordable genetic screening for cancer after the US Supreme Court ruled that a commercial company cannot patent human genes. The screening tests for mutations…
People who survived cancer as children may be out of the woods but not without a few scratches. Flickr/David Bunting

High rate of health problems in adults treated for childhood cancers

Children who survive cancer treatment are much more likely to suffer health problems when they are adults, according to a new study. Researchers who looked at more than 1,700 survivors of childhood cancer…
The humble fruit fly: teaching us more about melanoma skin cancer. Flickr/John Tann

Genes help spread of shape-shifting skin cancer cells

Melanomas may be less common than other skin cancers but their ability to become malignant and spread to other parts of the body makes them some of the deadliest if not caught early. More than 10,000 people…
Enter the dragon: China joins higher-income countries with similar health concerns. PA/Fiona Hanson

First world problems: China’s lifestyle contributes to ill health

China is now facing similar health issues to higher income countries including the UK and US, according to new global health figures. Poor diet and cancer are a growing concern in China compared to issues…
An estimated 5.2% of cancers worldwide are caused by the human papilloma virus. Image from

Michael Douglas, oral sex and cancer – the facts about HPV

Oral sex is often the first of many forays into sexual intimacy we experience as fumbling teenagers. And for many couples, it remains an important – and enjoyable – part of their sexual repertoire. But…
The Hadron Collider was built to find the Higgs Boson but it might also help us discover better ways to treat cancer. PA/CERN

Cutting-edge particle physics could bring cancer therapy home

The recent case of Neon Roberts and the legal dispute over his treatment for a brain tumour threw the spotlight on the potential risks of using radiotherapy to treat complex cancers in children. Radiotherapy…

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